During the past few decades, the internet has been constantly growing and has now turned out to be the biggest marketplace, library, and source of communication – all at once! And we can agree that it has its pros and cons, so one should use it wisely and get the most out of it.
We all have things that we love doing or spending time at, but sometimes out ideas seem to run out. For example, you want to watch a good movie in a certain genre, but can’t remember one? You want to see what are the most visited tourist’s destination and plan your trip? Or you simply want to get more informed and see who are the most powerful people out there. Luckily, that’s what lists are for. And there are many online websites offering TOP lists of products, movies or places, but all seem to lack something – except for WikiListia. Wait, what is a WikiListia you might ask? It is a new platform developed in 2018, with the goal of allowing to create interesting lists that will let people inform themselves in certain areas. Let’s take a closer look at all the benefits of WikiListia and what does it offer?

The Benefits Of Using WikiListia
When we talk about the benefits of using a social platform such as this one there are few to name:
- First of all, you as an individual have an opportunity to express your opinion and create your own list. Isn’t that great, one website that will contain opinions and top lists from all branches and areas. That way you will be able to help someone searching for relevant information, and that is a great feeling.

- Along with that, you will be able to get in touch with people all around the world. No matter if you are from India, UK or Brasil you will be able to exchange opinions on a certain matter and maybe even form nice relationships. It is great that you have the option to comment, rate and suggest something to others list.
- Of course, the main benefit is the fact that you will be able to scroll to tons of information in a matter of minutes. It just takes a few clicks to find out what might be the best destination to visit in Asia, or what movie to watch tonight. And WikiListia lists are not just made to stay – the list includes explained reasons why that choice might be the best, so you will not be left blind-picking.
What Does WikiListia Offer
As we have mentioned in the section above this platform works as a 3 in 1 service – you can get informed, inform others and communicate with people all around the world. The website is pretty easy to use, and in case anything goes wrong you can contact the support through contact@wikilistia.com. Let’s take a look at all the branches the website covers:
- First of all, you have the sections where most popular people in certain area or branch are listed. Whether those are Indian actors, Spanish singers or UK businessman, you will be able to find anything that interests you!

- The second, and for some people the most important section is the one offering list of places. You have the best colleges in your area listed by ranking, best places to have dinner at in certain city and even what temples should you visit once in India.
- You also have the products section, and that’s where the top devices are listed. From smartphones to notebooks, cameras, and tablets everything is in there!
- Also, you have the list of best events happening near you, as well as what are the best local agencies that can fulfill your everyday needs.

- Along with that, there are two sections – one for best songs and one for best movies around.
- Last, but not list the WikiListia offers a huge section devoted just for job finding. So if you are somewhere around the area, chances are you will find a list that will be offering top jobs there. It is pretty useful, and can be a life-changing opportunity!

Though a young platform we are sure that it will continue to grow, and then only in a matter of few years it might be one of the highest trending websites on the internet! The diversity and simplicity is the thing that makes it stand out from all other listing online platforms.