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Animal Control Goes High Tech

May 13, 2019

The laws about dogs, and particularly those in regard to their barking, are different in every country in the world. What isn’t different is the need to train your dog not to do it. Everything else in your life has gone high tech, so why shouldn’t animal control for your dog do the same thing.

It has.

There are a few things you need to know about shock collars before you purchase one though. Like everything else in life, there are good points and bad points to them. Keep reading to find out everything you wanted to know about shock collars for dogs.

Pros and Cons

You need to know there is some controversy surrounding the use of shock collars though. These arise from the fact are some very real risks to shock collars and fences. Dr. Bonnie Beaver, a veterinarian at Texas A&M University claims the potential for abuse outweighs the benefits of using them.

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Dog trainers who have used them for years disagree. When they, as negative reinforcement, are used in conjunction with positive reinforcements such as treats and affection, the results can be quite impressive. Dogs are smart. They quickly learn which behaviors illicit a stinging shock and which ones result in a tasty morsel and adjust their actions accordingly.

When shock collars are used in this fashion, there is little to no risk for the dogs. Remember, they are not intended to be a punishment. They’re a deterrent.


With that in mind, they have several settings. Some will beep or vibrate as a warning before delivering an actual shock. This provides an opportunity for you to issue a verbal command such as “No!”, “Stop!”, or “Down!” before the shock is given. This teaches the dog much quicker than the zap alone.

The intensity of the shock is adjustable. Once the dog has been sufficiently trained you can lower the voltage so it becomes a warning or reminder if the animal tries to resume the unwanted behavior.

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Collars can also be set to deliver a shock in response to barking. This is the most problematic area of shock collar use. When dogs are at home while you’re at work, you can’t order them to stop barking. People will use this device to do it for them. But you need to train the dog – extensively – before leaving them at home with the shock collar. Teach them, with both positive and negative reinforcements, not to bark. Then you can leave them alone and expect to get good results.

Leash Laws

Leash laws are different around the world too. Even if they weren’t, you shouldn’t take your dog off the leash when you’re out walking until they’re properly trained. Daily walking can benefit your health and taking a dog with you, especially for women and children, can be a source of companionship and protection.

If the leash laws in a particular country allow dogs to be off the leash if they’re trained, then, by all means, use the shock collar (and treats) to train them to stay close when you take the leash off. If they start to run away, MerchDope has a number of shock collars with extended ranges that can quickly bring them back into line.

The range starts at 300-400 yards for the cheaper models but extends to over a mile on the higher quality ones. The range of the radio signal from the controller to the collar will be affected by your surroundings. For instance, heavy tree growth will inhibit the range of the device more than grassy plains. Downtown high rises will block the radio signal more than single story homes.


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Dogs need plenty of exercises. Overseas backyards can be small to non-existent, depending on where you’re stationed. With the rise of electric skateboards for your kids or for the kid in all of us, an “invisible leash” in the form of a shock collar can be the perfect way to let your dog run around without jerking your arm off, pulling you off the board, or getting too far away from you.

Dogs benefit from meeting each other, just like people do. Although they will be highly protective and aggressive when a strange dog appears at your house which they consider their territory, they’ll be totally open and friendly to that same dog if they meet in a neutral location such as a park or city street. Very diplomatic of them isn’t it?

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