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December 18, 2018

Unlike the cool autumn or the shiny summer, cold winter often makes us feel uncomfortable. In addition to being prone to common diseases, our skin is susceptible to weather transitions.

Skin is the most reflective of changes in human health. If you are outdoor workers, winter weather is the number one enemy to your skin. Agents such as wind, temperature, and humidity easily carry potential risks that you won’t even recognize.

To protect the health of your skin, you need to have knowledge as well as specific methods. The information and instructions below will help you keep your skin healthy during the harsh winter.

Why Do We Have To Apply Different Skin Care Methods In Summer & Winter?

Skin care is not always easy. Especially for those with sensitive skin, skin care should be taken very carefully if you do not want risk your skin’s health. Click here for the best skin care tips in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries.

It is quite apparent that the weather and the environment in different seasons have different effects on your skin. During the harsh summer, the outside temperature is usually very high, causing your body to produce more sweat. And then what comes next, your skin will have more acne and some irritation. For people who regularly on-the-move or play sports, their skin is exposed to sunlight, so they are more likely to suffer from harmful UV rays.

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Unlike hot summer, winter weather is one of the destructive agents of skin health. Due to the cold wind and humidity in the air, the skin becomes extremely sensitive. Eventually, they become dry, dehydrated and even bleed in some people.

So, you should prepare yourself for the necessary skin care, especially when you travel to countries with continuous changes in climate like Vietnam.


Use skin moisturizer

Use moisturizing cream help keeping your skin in good condition

Moisturizer is the essential skin care product to maintain your skin in the winter. During this time of the year, dry weather will often cause the skin to lose its natural moisture content inside, leading to dehydration. To keep the skin moist, use a moisturizer after a shower to prevent dryness. Keeping your skin moisturized will also help prevent itching and swelling.

Be careful when showering

We all have a habit of using hot water for showering when it gets colder. It is a good thing because at least it keeps your body warm. However, you should only take warm baths instead of overly hot water.

Showering with warm water will dilate the pores, help your skin airy and create a refreshing feeling. Overheating water will result in loss of moisture, loss of natural oils, and rapid drying of the skin.

Also, you should be mindful about the soaps. Using soap several times a day will gradually wash out the protective layer of the skin causing dry skin.

Avoid direct contact with sunlight

Although in winter, our bodies are covered with warm clothes, the risk of sunburn and the effects of ultraviolet rays still exist. Especially those with sensitive skin, they need to pay more attention to the exposure to the sunlight.

Many people think that during this time, the danger of sunlight will decrease. Unfortunately, the fact is the opposite. 90% of the UVA and UVB rays can penetrate the clouds and also the car window and become a danger to the skin.

Under the common effects of ultraviolet rays, your skin will be tanned and quickly age, leading to the loss of elasticity. To make the problem worse, they are also the primary cause of skin cancer.

You should use sun cream even it is cold outside

So even in the winter, do not forget to use sunscreen for your skin when you go out. The parts that need to be applied are your face, neck, and hands. You should use sunscreen 15-20 minutes before going out to get the best effect.

Drink enough water

We often feel less thirsty when the weather gets colder. According to recent studies, the thirst sensation is reduced by up to 40% in winter while the need to drink water remains the same. This quickly leads to dehydration in the body and especially the skin.

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Besides, the amount of water vapors outside the body increases higher than in other times of the year. The most obvious example is that on the snowy days, people can see their smoky breath – that is vaporizing water!

Our skin is the most sensitive part of the body that suffers the dehydration. If the water intake is insufficient, your skin will quickly dry out. Bleeding in the lips or cracking of the skin are predictable consequences. So drink enough water!

Consume more nutrients

It has never been a bad idea to keep your skin healthy by consuming fresh food, especially in the cold winter. Providing enough vitamins, antioxidants in fruit and vegetables is important.

You should eat more pomegranates because it contains more oxidants than other fruits and can fight skin cancer. Sweet potato is also a great choice! This magical plant is rich in skin protection nutrients, especially vitamin A and beta-carotene.

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Another food that is easy to process is eggs! Eggs contain several nutrients to help protect the health of the skin such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Vitamin B5. Besides, Vitamin D in eggs also works to enhance collagen supplements.

Wear protective gears

Fully protect your skin is recommended

Finally, you should also pay attention to wearing protective clothing to avoid direct contact with the sun. In addition to clothing, we recommend wearing extra hats and face veils to protect sensitive areas. Besides, you would need some gloves if you have the habit of travelling by motorcycle.


Skin is the most sensitive part of human body. It also has to be continuously exposed to the negative effects of weather and other harmful factors. So you need to pay attention to the health of your skin, especially in the cold winter. With the skin care tips in the winter above, you can protect your skin and don’t have to worry about skin allergies or dryness.

Continue to follow our next article to update the knowledge related to skin care. See you next time.

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