The gorgeous model Demi Rose is currently devoting all her time to her fans while being in quarantine. Besides posting hot pictures and displaying her amazing curves, Demi decided to do something new. The stunner collaborated with the app called SongPop 2 and encouraged her followers to try it on her Instagram story. She also shared her username on the app, which is DemiRose.
Demi wore a beige tracksuit in which she looked absolutely stunning. Her long brown hair was let down and curled at the ends. The bombshell had a full face of makeup. Even though she probably won’t go anywhere soon, she still tries to look her best all the time.
SongPop 2 is an app that features over 100,000 songs and 1,000 curated playlists. Then you listen to the songs and guess them. It was released in July 2015, and it is free-to-play with in-app purchases.