Finding the right flight school in the U.S can’t be that hard a task since the country boasts many great institutions in every state. There is, however, one state that has an advantage over every other. Arizona has consistently been ranked as the best state to go to for flight school and it is due to several reasons. Here are the ten main reasons why Arizona is the perfect location for flight school.
1. Weather
The first thing that you will hear from people about Arizona is the great weather. The state has one of the best weather conditions throughout most of the year. It’s almost always sunny and has clear skies for 250 days which makes it great for students and flight schools alike. Rest assured, your training will not be delayed due to bad weather.

2. There’s a Flight School for Everyone
The Arizona flight school industry has boomed over the years and with constant growth, it has become “the” place for flight school students. There is an abundance of flight schools all over Arizona. From helicopter training to commercial plane learning programs, you will find that there is a flight school for everyone. The best part is that all of these schools have different specializations and have highly customized curriculums. You will more likely come across a flight school of your match here in Arizona than in any other state.
3. Economy
The economy of Arizona is also a great reason why students can consider moving west. Arizona’s economy has consistently been listed by the likes of Forbes to be the best place for entrepreneurial endeavors. It has a skilled and well-learned labor pool with low business and property taxes than most other states in the country, which makes it an ideal place to even start an Arizona flight school of your own one day.

4. Soar high
Several schools offer gliding options owing to the nearly perfect soaring conditions. Getting a certificate in gliding is also hugely beneficial if you are looking to become a pilot as it is one of the best ways to learn how to eventually become a stick and rudder pilot as well and it’s more likely that an Arizona flight school will offer this flexibility.
5. Fast track Your License
The ideal conditions of Arizona may also help you in getting your license earlier. If you think about it, the almost perfect environment makes it pretty darn hard not to get your license in time. You can plough through your training in no time and if you are dedicated enough, you may also obtain your license in time for recruitment season.

6. The Perfect Balance for Students
The right balance for Arizona flight school students makes the state a great contender for living and learning. You have outdoor sports, natural attractions, and a very lively nightlife. While there are many other states in the country that could offer you these amenities, none can provide them like Arizona. For students, it’s a very good mix where they can go through the stresses of a typical flight school and get to relax and unwind downtown.
7. Phoenix
Phoenix alone is one of the top reasons why flight school students should consider coming to Arizona for their training. From the nightlife to the food, to shopping choices, festivals, and unique attractions; we challenge you to find a better place to stay. We guarantee that this will be the ideal flight school environment you would want to start your career in.

8. The infrastructure
Arizona also features a solid infrastructure that is very beneficial for the state’s economy and its people. You will find high caliber policing and excellent maintenance throughout the state. The transportation is top notch and you will seldom face any worries in terms of where you live. All these advantages make the state the perfect location for flight school.
9. Attractions
From the extremely desirable weather to the Grand Canyon; Arizona has a respectable number of unique attractions. Even if you have gotten over the majestic Grand Canyon, there are several complex caves that you can marvel at. These attractions are a great way for Arizona flight school students to connect with nature and enjoy their time in the state.

10. Overall Perfect Conditions
The overall perfect conditions of the state make Arizona the best place for flight schools. If you are looking for a flight school like Aeroguard Flight Training Center or one of the many other flight schools that offer a great curriculum along with fun extracurricular activities and great weather, you won’t find a better mix than what Arizona has to offer. Just a quick internet search is all it will take for you to seal the deal and start looking for and enroll in a great Arizona flight school.