Voice-over is a fantastic invention that changed the music and film industry. Today it’s not only available to core professionals but also is a tool that many amateurs are using. Videos haven’t been the same since their inception. It makes the narrative better, enables you to comment on a video of your choice, and makes the entire industry closer to enthusiasts. Voice-over might sound hard to do if this is your first encounter with it, but with the right guidance, it can be doable, or at least manageable. We are here to help you at least a little bit with these six voice-over tips and tricks all video editors need to know. As we said, it’s not going to be easy, but with the right advice and proper tools, you can get off to a great start. Let’s see what we have in store for you.
Buy The Right Gear

Being modern and up to date is essential in this business. You won’t be able to pull any trick, nor will any tip help you if the software isn’t good enough. This goes for both the recording and the voice-over. So, before thinking about any type of audio work, make sure that this part is covered. Thankfully, today you have many quality programs for video editing, some of them even available for free. Of course, programs and apps that come for free won’t have all the tools you might need to launch a quality recording, but you need to start somewhere. Suppose you’re ready to listen to our advice look to equip yourself with a recording program from Mac or Windows 10. Be free to check out Movavi Video Editor as it can be precisely what you are looking for. On another subject, if you want a speech to text converter, pay attention to Notevibes. Anyway, what you need can be found on Google or Apple play store, but your focus shouldn’t be on branding but the quality of software.
Reduce Breaths

Once you set the wanted threshold, you can automatically reduce breathes if you know how to use the right plug-in. There are many companies out there focused on manufacturing these plug-ins. The principle on which it works is somewhat similar to the noise gate. This gate is, in most cases, a component of a compressor and can be tweaked through different parameters. But it would be best if you were careful, as this is not an easy feat to pull even with the help of a plug-in. If you rely solely on it, you might not get an ideal product, as it can miss a breath or two. What’s worse, if you’re not up to the task, you can even erase some syllables or even entire words while some exceptionally breathe remain. Furthermore, you need to be aware of the fact that breaths shouldn’t be eradicated from a video. We’re talking about reduction, as complete silence between sentences is not something that sounds nice if you get what we mean.
Prepare Your Materials

We’re serious when we say this. Finding your voice is the first thing you need to do. Have an idea what your audience might like. You need to collect data on all of your previous published audio work and see what had the best reaction among those who listened to it. It is all about your vocabulary used, tone, and expression. What caused the best response? If you don’t have a clear idea of how you should sound, going with a laid back voice spiced with a bit of humor should be the best route. If you’re not sure this is the way, try something original with a personal touch. Now that you have settled on this, the time is for you to prepare the script. It is essential to read it a couple of times out loud to get an impression of how you are going to sound. Once you go through the sound recording, you’ll get the first impression of what needs to be fixed. After this, it all comes down to improving the sound and the script if needed.
Book Stand

Yes, we know this sounds like a silly thing to think over, but it isn’t. Once recording, you need to try at least to make everything perfect. This is where we come to the script. You can hold it as far as possible from the microphone as you want; it is still going to make a hushing sound. You don’t want to record paper rustling; it doesn’t sound professional. This issue can simply be gone by buying a book stand. It is going to help both your sound recording, but also with your hands, as you’ll be less tired.
Be Prepared for Recording Sessions
You probably think: I’m ready to go; why this needs to be singled out? Well, if you’re not a professional, you’ll need a tip and a trick on this subject. To have the best session possible, your mouth needs to be wet. But, we’re not talking about water wet, as there’s no need to intake water during the recording sessions continually. We have something better for you. What you want nearby is a juicy apple. The juice from an actual apple is going to do wonders to your vocals – precisely what you need for a long recording session.

Everything – but we mean everything. Nothing is going to be perfect from the first try. So, when you have one, two, or three recordings, be sure to record all sessions and save them. Nothing should go to waste. Some parts will always be right, and some will be bad. You can always combine recordings from different sessions in order to create the perfect product. This can only be done if you save everything you do. Be prepared for this, so make sure your equipment is up to date and stable with enough memory.