How to Get Tested for Coronavirus?

If everyone were allowed to test, there would be no tests. Scientists around the world are currently working harder than ever to perform enough tests on the coronavirus.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused increased production of tests that are the only way for patients to find out if they are infected.

However, as you have noticed, no country allows anyone to be tested, and it is exact in determining who will be tested and who will not.

Who doesn’t need testing?

For those who have no symptoms of the virus, i.e., fever, cough, and shortness of breath should call a doctor. Even if they have returned from a destination where the coronavirus is present or in contact with the infected person, they show no symptoms. Mandatory self-isolation is then recommended as a significant prevention measure that is more important than the test itself.

If, however, you are symptomatic and you are under the age of 70, you may not even get the chance to get tested right away, but the test itself will not change the fact that doctors will take care of you.

Doctors said their advice to young, healthy people with fever and coughing would be the same no matter what causes them – they will send you home in self-isolation, recommend plenty of fluids. You will only receive hospital care if you develop shortness of breath.

After recovery, you will also stay away from other people whether the disease is due to a virus corona or someone else.

Who needs testing?

Anyone who has symptoms after having been in close contact with someone positive for the coronavirus should get tested.

Anyone who has the symptoms of a virus corona and should be hospitalized must take the test. However, everyone hopes that these categories will change as well when we have more tests available.

But it’s not just about the availability of tests.

Doctors and nurses need to have personal protective equipment to perform the test, and since these are lacking everywhere in the world, doctors want to preserve it for those who need testing more.

According to current estimates, staying alone in a risk area is not sufficient to justify the test. And not everyone with a runny nose or cough is infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

However, those who have signs of viral pneumonia, which have noticeable symptoms such as coughing, fever, and shortness of breath, or who have had contact with an infected person should contact the hospital or local ambulance. People who have been in a particularly affected area are cases that are reasonably suspected that they were infected with a new virus.

Finally, the doctor decides whether a test for the coronavirus is done.

Finally, if everyone got the test, it would overload the system. Once done, the analysis is carried to the laboratory. The more criteria, the more people have to do them. And then someone has to call patients and report the results, which involves a large number of people who currently have to be available for other essential things.

Ricardo is a freelance writer specialized in politics. He is with from the beginning and helps it grow. Email: richardorland4[at]