Coworking in a pandemic: proposals and solutions

August 6, 2021

Advances in technology offer new ways of working. Many work in a company that applies the concept of a virtual office. Work does not have to be in the office, it can be anywhere. This is what drives the emergence of digital nomads, or people who work independently, nomadic, not bound by time and place, and use technology to work and communicate. This is the basis of the coworking space phenomenon.

This phenomenon also creates other business opportunities. One of them is a shared workspace, known as a coworking space. Here, individuals and communities will share space for their respective work. Users of coworking spaces, commonly called coworkers, can use a space or table in a coworking space by paying rent for varying times. Some offer more flexible time, some are limited. The concept of coworking space available also varies. Coworkers can choose according to their needs.

But is the coworking concept still suitable to be applied in this pandemic? Are some changes needed? What adaptations must be achieved? Don’t worry!

We are going to tell you what are the main proposals of coworking companies in a pandemic. Just keep reading if you’re curious!

Pandemic has revolutionized our way of life

Without a doubt, the pandemic revolutionized our way of life. And it is that we were all seriously affected by the appearance of COVID-19 more than a year ago. From the smallest to the most adult. But mainly those who are independent professionals, freelancers or entrepreneurs. The pandemic made us increasingly cautious in every possible way. In this way, we find ourselves in the constant need to disinfect any product that we are going to touch. Also keep us as hygienic as possible so as not to contract the virus.

It is evident that the majority of companies and businesses were forced to adapt to this new virtual modality. Or in the worst case to close permanently. Mainly because mixing with people in closed spaces became dangerous. Coworking was one of many that had to change its mode of operation. And it is that today, after more than a year of pandemic, it is likely that we would need significant changes when we return to our beloved office. We really need a modern approach like the ones offered by

The drama of hygiene in a pandemic

Keep in mind that the excessive use of disinfectants to deal with the coronavirus is mostly unnecessary. Mainly because the risk of contagion by contact with surfaces is relatively low. These excessive cleaning measures that have been called the hygiene drama can seem reassuring in the sense that one feels more security by reducing the level of contagion in his establishment. However, you should know that they become quite expensive and of limited utility. Mainly because by making excessive use in the day-to-day of these cleaning products, the amount produced by companies is limited. Which prevents us all from being able to acquire you.

Coworking office redesign in pandemic

Given all this situation, you might need to carry out 2 modifications in your offices to make them safer in response to the coronavirus. On the one hand, install non-contact coffee machines. And on the other, replace traditional doors with others that have motion sensors. Also the incorporation of hybrid models of work.

No more traditional coffee machines

You need what’s called the elimination of traditional coffee machines. What does this mean? You will be able to continue consuming it. However, the way you acquire it will be different. And it is that the many companies seek to implement technological coffee machines that have the ability to work through QR scanning. Mainly to avoid all the smallest possible type of contact with the surfaces. For this, members, coworkers or collaborators must download an application on their mobile phones, soon to be confirmed, to scan the QR code.

Modern doors

Next, the elimination of its traditional doors by changing them for modern doors. What does this mean? Mainly that these new doors have motion sensors. In this way, members will have the ability to open the door, avoiding all types of contact, by moving their hands in front of a sensor to activate the opening mechanisms.

Another no less important detail is that it is expanding its spaces for teamwork and interaction with other members. Leaving solo workspaces aside. Which means the elimination of individual desks, replacing those voids with larger spaces for collaboration. The main reason for this sudden change is to have open offices. Mainly because they promote the cleaning of spaces and greater air ventilation within the establishment. At the same time, the elimination of individual spaces is due to the fact that the company seeks a stronger culture through the collaboration and connection of the members. These last two measures are the most current.

But it should be clarified that some companies had already implemented changes in the use of coworking offices in pandemic previously.

Other changes of coworking spaces in pandemic

Physical distancing

In order to comply with the protocols, the number of people allowed for common spaces is reduced by removing seats and marking safe spaces to occupy. On top of social distancing requirements, individuals will also need to continue wearing masks and may be asked to wear more efficient PPEs like high-filtering masks from ShopAusAir.

Signaling of actions in coworking spaces in pandemic

Regarding this point, the company made the decision to incorporate printed signs in all spaces to make the protocols clear. These signs can be found in printing corners, Hot Desk, living rooms, meeting rooms, corners, telephone booths, classrooms, bathrooms, elevators and reception, to name just a few. At the same time you will find traffic signs in sticker format on the floor as well as posters on the walls. In this way, the distance between all the members and their agglomeration are maintained.

What did you think of this article? Did you know the measures that companies took with respect to the current pandemic situation? We are interested in knowing your opinion. Leave us your comment and do not forget to stop by one of our other articles.

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