Essay Writing

Essay Writing: Just the Basic Essentials

The practice of essay writing has numerous benefits for students in Singapore and across the world. The foremost one is helping course pursuers reinforce their subject knowledge. Besides that, it also helps enhance a student’s research and writing prowess, citing and referencing familiarity and time management skills. Of course, these skills don’t manifest overnight or even with a few attempts, for that matter.

In fact, during the initial stages, the process of compiling a quality essay can confuse candidates and make their efforts more challenging than anticipated. But, by working on various genres of essays on diverse field topics, students will notice an improvement in their skills.

While most students don’t have a problem learning these skills, the biggest hindrance to their proper learning is time. That’s correct! Most essay assignments come with strict deadlines, thus giving little scope to spend time on the task and figure out how best to finish it. Fortunately, that’s where sites like offering urgent assignment help come into the picture.

Such revered platforms comprise an excellent panel of academic writers with Master’s and Ph.D. credentials in their preferred subject discipline. Plus, they have extensive knowledge and familiarity with college and university writing norms.

Using their awareness and acquired skills over their tenure, these experts work closely with students to help them finish their pending essays with conviction. You can consider signing up with such notable assignment writing help websites to learn and perfect the fundamentals of compiling engaging and high-scoring essays within tight schedules without hassle.

You must set the right format for your essay. Typically, you set font size 12 for the type paper with double spacing between lines. The margin should be 2cm or 1 inch throughout.

Use left alignment. Don’t use justify with straight-edge lines. It lessens accessibility and readability. Avoid indents on the first lines of stanzas. Additionally, put your name and module number atop the document and the page number at the base.

You can use the default font, Calibri, in MS Word. Although sometimes, the instructor specifies using Arial or Times New Roman. If that’s the case for you, change it.

Headers must be in bold with 2 points larger in size than the normal text. Avoid underlying. You can italicise some texts, like examples and directly use quotes in double and single quotations as per necessity.

Refrain from using colloquial language, passive constructions or jargon. They make the writing appear pompous, stiff and unnecessarily complicated for the general readers. Use standard academic writing tone and construct sentences using active voice mostly. Also, incorporate relevant transitional phrases to connect your arguments.

The main goal here is to catch the reader’s attention, provide sufficient background information on the topic and present a strong thesis statement hinting at what’s to follow in the subsequent body stanzas.

Here’s A Breakdown

Essay Writing

The 1st line must have a hook sentence. It sets the tone for the entire composition. It could be a strong quote, a hard-hitting fact, an anecdote or even a relatable example.

Next, you provide background context to help readers comprehend the argument. Depending on the theme –

Include demographic, social and historical context.

An outline of the debate you are presenting.

A summary of pre-existing theories or research on the theme.

Some definitions of key terminologies.

The final introduction line will comprise the thesis statement. It should not be any more than 2-3 lines (at max). It is the most crucial part of the essay. So, convey your position or main focus with evidence and explanations. Don’t elaborate as you will do it in the body. Just hinting at what’s to follow is good enough!

In this section, you will elaborate on whatever you have pointed out in the thesis statement. Keep separate stanzas for each facet with a relevant topic header. Keep 3-4 stanzas and focus only on one aspect. Don’t exceed 4-5 sentences for every paragraph.

The supporting sentences for each stanza must have elaborate explanations on the focussed aspect. Support all arguments and claims using examples, real-time data and relevant quotes. Add in-text citations throughout each paragraph to strengthen and authenticate your information.

Other Key Rules for Writing the Body

writing essay

Begin with an outline and write the initial draft. However, the outline isn’t ingrained in stone, so don’t hesitate to change it if required.

Concentrate on one idea at a time to support the thesis sentence.

Always keep your arguments flexible. Avoid biased statements or personal opinions. Present objective facts that connect with the general audience.

Don’t abandon any ideas. If needed, tweak them properly to make them useful. Also, back it up with supporting evidence and data.

Also, never delete any content. If it doesn’t work in one stanza, keep it to use somewhere else. You never know how that rejected information can inspire new ideas to use later on.

Always make a note of your used sources. Constantly check your shared ideas against the thesis statement.

Watch out for weak points such as – unjustified assumptions, illogical inconsistencies and contradictions between ideas, lack of substantiating evidence on some points, and uncertainty or lack of conviction in arguments.

Bear in mind that you don’t have to write the body together in one attempt. If ideas are not flowing as well as you want, take a break, return and resume. More often, it makes a difference.

The Conclusion

write conclusion

The ending paragraph must emphasise the significance of the thesis sentence and leave a strong imprint on the readers. Typically, the conclusion must reaffirm the crucial arguments. It should not comprise any fresh data or information as it may lead to unwanted confusion among the targeted readers.

The Breakdown

The next line must follow up with a general statement mentioning the importance of the above discussion. It should be like a brief clarification.

Finally, draw connections with all points to allow readers to understand that you have answered all the presented questions in the introduction and body. Ensure this section is concise and clear.

Final Lines

When working on your academic essay, remember these key essentials to make your writing efforts enjoyable and instructive. But, if at any stage you feel overwhelmed with the work pressure, don’t be reluctant to ask for help from top brands like MAH and the like.