How To Stay Afloat With the Rising Cost of Living?


The cost of living across the country, from North Carolina to California, has been climbing continuously and is reaching a point where many people are struggling to make ends meet. Everything from the grocery store, to rent, to housing, has become very expensive and your money isn’t going as far as it used to.

While this can be a stressful and difficult time for many, there are some things you can do to stay afloat and handle these costs a little bit easier. Keep reading to learn some helpful tips to deal with the rising cost of living.

Know How To Borrow Intelligently

In some cases, with how expensive some things have gotten, you will need to borrow money. This could be for a vehicle, for a home, or even simply to help out with unforeseen costs you are stuck dealing with. You have several options here from secured loans like title loans and mortgages to unsecured options like personal loans or credit cards.

All of these can help you get the money you need when you need it. However, before you borrow money, you need to be aware of how to do it intelligently. First of all, only borrow what you are confident you will be able to pay back, and just because you can borrow more doesn’t mean you should.

Other ways to borrow wisely include choosing your lender wisely, reading the fine print, comparing loan offers, and paying more than the minimum.

Have a Budget

Next, it is a good idea to have a budget and stick to it. This will help you track how much money you have coming in, as well as get a better understanding of where every dollar goes. Some people create a pen-and-paper budget, but nowadays there are several programs and apps that can streamline the process.

You can learn what things are costing you more than you think and can identify places where you can save or spend less. If you learn how to budget successfully, it can help you keep better track of your finances and ensure you are making smart decisions. Make sure you are regularly checking on and updating your budget, to keep it current and accurate.

Find Ways To Cut Costs

Cutting your costs is one of the best ways to deal with the cost of living increases. You could eat out less, look for deals at the grocery store, change up or eliminate certain subscriptions, and limit other types of discretionary spending.

There are also plenty of ways to save money around the home, such as reducing your heating/cooling bills, growing your own food, using efficient light bulbs, hang-drying your clothes, and more.

In a similar vein to cutting costs, you could also look to earn more. You could take extra shifts, find a part-time job, or even look to market and sell a skill you have like writing, carpentry, web design, or a variety of other things.

Utilize Coupons, Discounts And Cashback Options

Another excellent way to lower your monthly expenses is to make sure to take advantage of coupons and discounts whenever possible in order to save money on everyday purchases.

You can find special offers, discounts, and deals online or through store loyalty programs that will help cut down the cost of living expenses. Look for items that are discounted or come with coupon codes so you can maximize your savings when shopping.

In addition, many stores offer cash back or loyalty programs that give you back a portion of your purchase as a rebate if you sign up for their program. This is an easy way to save money on essentials such as groceries or gas, while also helping keep your finances afloat during times of economic hardship.

Investigate which stores offer these programs and take advantage of the savings they provide.

Consider Government Assistance

If you’re having difficulty making ends meet, look into government assistance programs that may be able to help. Depending on where you are located, there are multiple options available.

These can include food stamps, housing subsidies, grants for tuition or educational costs, and other forms of financial aid that can help alleviate some of the burden associated with rising expenses. Research what options may be available in your area and apply if necessary.

Downsize Your Home


It may seem like a drastic move, but a sure fire way to alleviate the effects of a growing cost of living is to consider downsizing your home or apartment. This means finding a smaller place that requires less money in rent and utilities each month.

Research different options for residences you can afford, such as smaller units, studios, or co-living arrangements. Also, consider looking into alternative housing solutions such as house sharing or living with roommates in order to lower your monthly expenses without sacrificing too much in terms of amenities or location.

By downsizing, you’ll be able to save on housing costs and make your money stretch further while still being able to afford the essentials. You could even use the money saved to invest in other areas of your finances.

It’s a great way to stay afloat during times of economic hardship without having to sacrifice too much in terms of lifestyle. Consider all options before making any decisions and don’t forget to factor in additional costs such as moving expenses or deposits for a new residence. With careful planning, downsizing can be an effective way to manage the rising cost of living and help you reach financial freedom faster.

Invest Wisely

invest wisely

Finally, it’s important to invest wisely when dealing with the rising cost of living. Before investing your money, research different strategies and companies that offer smart investments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and other financial instruments.

Speak to a financial advisor if possible in order to gain an understanding of what options are available and how they may benefit you in the long run. Such investments can provide strong returns over time if managed properly, so take the time to understand them before committing any capital.

Additionally, consider diversifying your portfolio by investing in both short-term and long-term opportunities for better risk management and greater returns.

There is no doubt that the rising costs of living can make life challenging, but we hope that these tips are able to help you out and get you on the right track toward reaching your financial goals.

Ricardo is a freelance writer specialized in politics. He is with from the beginning and helps it grow. Email: richardorland4[at]