5 Types of Gamers – Which One Are You?

Gaming as an industry has seen remarkable growth in recent years. With the advancement of technology, more and more people are getting hooked on gaming. Gaming is no longer just a source of entertainment but has also turned into a career for many. The popularity of gaming can be attributed to its accessibility, diversity, and immersive experience.

As the gaming industry grows, so does the number of gamers. ExpressVPN’s study recently revealed that avid gamers are not Gen Zers, as we would often assume, but Millenials, who have steady sources of income and enough time to spend on gaming.

Let’s take a look at five types of gamers and try to identify which category you belong to.

1. The Casual Gamer


Casual gamers are a type of gamers who play games primarily for fun and entertainment. They are not heavily invested in gaming and do not typically spend much time or money on gaming. Instead, they enjoy games that are easy to play and understand and that provide a source of entertainment and relaxation.

Casual gamers often play games on their mobile phones or tablets. Mobile gaming is especially popular among casual gamers due to the accessibility and convenience of playing games on the go. Many mobile games are designed to be simple and easy to play, with intuitive touch controls that make them accessible to many players.

2. The Hardcore Gamer


The hardcore gamer is a type of gamer who is fully invested in the gaming world. They spend a lot of time playing games and often have extensive knowledge about the gaming industry. Hardcore gamers tend to play challenging games that require a lot of skill, such as platformers, fighting games, and real-time strategy games.

These gamers are often passionate about gaming and are dedicated to mastering their chosen ones. They may spend hours practicing and refining their skills to achieve the highest level of gameplay. For hardcore gamers, playing games is more than just a hobby; it’s a way of life.

3. The Competitive Gamer


The competitive gamer is a type of gamer who takes gaming seriously and enjoys the challenge of playing against other players. They have a strong desire to win and are highly competitive in nature. Competitive gamers tend to play games that have a robust multiplayer component, such as first-person shooters, MOBAs, and fighting games.

These gamers often spend significant time practicing and perfecting their skills to be the best at their chosen game. They may join gaming communities or participate in tournaments to compete against other players and prove their skills. Winning and being recognized as a top player is a primary motivation for competitive gamers.

4. The Retro Gamer

The retro gamer is a type of gamer that values nostalgia and enjoys playing games from the past. For these gamers, the enjoyment of gaming comes from reliving memories of their childhood and experiencing the simplicity and challenge of classic games.

The games that retro gamers enjoy tend to be simple yet challenging. These games often have straightforward gameplay mechanics but require skill and strategy to beat. Examples of popular retro games include Super Mario Bros, Tetris, and Pac-Man.

5. The Storytelling Gamer


The storytelling gamer is a type of gamer that prioritizes the narrative and character development in games over anything else. For these gamers, playing games is not just about entertainment but also about experiencing a captivating story and immersing themselves in a new world.

Role-playing games (RPGs) are one of the most popular genres among storytelling gamers. These games often feature complex storylines and well-developed characters with which players can interact. In RPGs, players take on the role of a character and progress through the story by completing quests, battling enemies, and making choices that affect the outcome of the game.

6.  The Social Gamer

The social gamer is someone who primarily plays games to socialize. This type of gamer generally prefers multiplayer games where they can interact with other players. They tend to gravitate towards cooperative games where everyone can work together to complete the game’s objectives.

This type of gamer often uses in-game chat features to stay in touch with friends and make new ones. They may also organize gaming sessions outside of the game itself, using Discord or another similar program. Social gamers typically enjoy the feeling of community that comes from playing games with others.

While most gamers are social in some way, the social gamer is often the most outgoing and extroverted of the bunch. They may be less concerned with winning or losing and more focused on just having fun with their friends.

7. The Solo Gamer


Some people think that all gamers are social outcasts who don’t have any friends, while others think that all gamers are hardcore addicts who never leave their computers.

The truth is, there are all sorts of gamers out there, and each one has their own unique gaming habits and preferences. Today, we’re going to take a look at the solo gamer.

Just because someone enjoys playing video games by themselves doesn’t mean they’re lonely or antisocial. In fact, many solo gamers prefer playing alone because it allows them to concentrate on the game and get lost in their own little world.

Some solo gamers only play single-player games, while others enjoy multiplayer games but prefer to go it alone. And then there are those who enjoy both types of games equally. No matter what type of solo gamer you are, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a good game by yourself every now and then.

8.  The Indie Gamer

The indie gamer is someone who enjoys playing independent video games. These are typically smaller games that are created by independent developers and are not part of a large, mainstream gaming studio. Indie gamers often enjoy supporting small businesses and enjoy the quirkier, more niche offerings that these developers provide. Many times, these gamers are also early adopters of new technology and platforms, such as virtual reality or augmented reality gaming.


Gaming is a diverse and exciting industry that attracts many players. Understanding the different types of gamers and their motivations can help game developers create games that appeal to a wider audience and provide a more enjoyable gaming experience. Ultimately, whether you play games for fun or competition, gaming offers a unique and immersive form of entertainment that continues to captivate players worldwide.

Ricardo is a freelance writer specialized in politics. He is with from the beginning and helps it grow. Email: richardorland4[at]