
Tools You Need To Clean Your House

December 12, 2018

Cleaning your house on a regular basis is pretty important for your health, the health of people around you as well as the general looks of the interior. But, as you might know, it isn’t the most interesting thing to do in the free time? It takes hours, and it is energy demanding as well. Nobody will volunteer to do it unless it is necessary. If you want to read some home cleaning tips, click here.

Yes, sometimes it can be relaxing, but taking into consideration that you have to do it at least a few times a month, it is wise to find ways to make it more effective. And the first step to that is getting the right cleaning equipment. Right cleaning equipment contains a good batch of white towels and microfiber cloths, brushes, spray bottles, white vinegar, cleaning solutions, and all the other tools that you might need in the process. Having everything that is needed will save you the much needed time, and we guarantee that you will get better results. But, what are the few essential tools that you need (other than cloths, towels, sponges, etc.)? Let’s take a look!

The Essential Tools For Cleaning Your House

As mentioned above preparation is the key so if you get everything in time chances are house cleaning could even be kind of cool.

  1. The first and foremost is a vacuum cleaner. This beautiful device, made to perfection, is there to save you the troubles of all the dust, crumbles, leftover food or anything lying on your floor. Agencies like SwiftClean suggest a vacuum cleaner as a #1 must have! Regularly vacuuming a few times a week (it won’t take more than 15-20 minutes) will be of great help and you will feel like your house is brand new again.
  1. Similar to the first one investing in a good hand vacuum will save you time and energy. Instead of swiping dust and crumbles from stoves and tables using microfiber cloths or towels, just vacuum it up using this conventional and simple invention. Of course, it is wise to wipe the table once you are done, but the hand vacuum will do everything beforehand.
  1. The thing you have to own especially if your ceiling is highly positioned is the ceiling fan cleaning brush. This will reach those hidden dust spots, and thus lower the risk of allergies. Getting an extension dusting kit is a good choice as well!
  1. One of the most important tools to have is a mop, and believe us investing in a steam mop is the way to go. You can use this one to remove stains from floors, and walls and the power of the released steam will do everything for you. Instead of wiping those grease stains and spots by hand, fall in love with this device!
  1. Last, but not least we would recommend you to get a lint roller. This one doesn’t only pick up the hair of your cat or dog from furniture, but can sweep all that dust, leftover crumbs or even broken glass from the floor. Believe us, this small investment will pay off multiple times!

What If You Don’t Like To House Clean

Okay, although it is pretty clear what do you need and how to do it, you can still be against cleaning yourself for whatever reason, and that is absolutely fine. That is why agencies such as SwiftClean (situated in Santa Barbara) offer great house cleaning services. They will do everything in a matter of hours, and are relatively cheap as well. From your bathroom and kitchen equipment to the living room and entrance everything will shine bright like a diamond. No dust, no crumbles, no allergies – lovely!


At the end of the day, whether you will be cleaning by yourself or hiring an agency, it is significant to remember the importance of the same. Remember, a clean environment is a healthy and good environment!

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