Removing Tattoos: Painful or Not?


If you are thinking about getting a tattoo removed, you are probably concerned about how painful the procedure will be. Does the removal of tattoos with a laser cause a lot of pain? You question this when considering the possibility of discomfort compared to the strong desire to remove that old tattoo.

It is not necessary for you to be concerned about this matter since many clinics, such as the Sozo Clinic, can painlessly remove your tattoo. Although it might not be as painless as you imagine, it shouldn’t be uncomfortable.

Getting your tattoo removed is a very big decision to make as an individual. You might want to take your time first and decide if you really want to remove it.

There are a lot of ways you can remove your tattoo if you consult your doctor about it.

In this part of the guide, I will discuss options to erase your tattoo and the potential discomfort involved. You must remain here and finish reading it in its entirety.

Is Tattoo Removal Painful?

You might think that removing a tattoo is painful, well, it is. But not exactly that painful.

Using lasers to remove tattoos is the most successful method currently available. Any treatment that purports to be pain-free is not accomplishing anything to remove the ink from the skin, whilst tattoo removal methods that are more painful are likely to inflict long-term harm and permanent scarring.

Laser tattoo removal is a treatment method approved by the FDA and has been widely used for approximately twenty years. This is because it has been demonstrated to be both safe and effective.

Tattoo Removal Pain Factors

Removing your tattoo completely can be quite painful because you are removing something that is placed on your skin. However, there are treatments that lessen the pain of removing your tattoos.

Sessions for laser tattoo removal are typically completed much shorter than sessions for tattoo application. In comparison, getting a tattoo can take between three to five minutes, while a session can last anywhere from three to five hours. This means less time will be spent in agony than obtaining a tattoo.

So, how painful is removing a tattoo with a laser? That is dependent on several things, including the following:

  • The dimensions of the tattoo.
  • The richness of the shading and the weight of the linework
  • The hues of the various inks
  • How long have you had the tattoo? How many tattoo sessions have you had? The age of your tattoo matters.
  • Position of the tattoo on the body
  • Your capacity for enduring painful sensations.
  • The length of each session can be affected by a number of these parameters, including the size, type of linework, and colours used. A session of laser tattoo removal might only take a minute or two if the tattoo being removed is minor.
  • If it’s a huge one, you could wait up to twenty minutes. It is comforting to know that therapy for tattoo removal will take a few seconds, although the discomfort may be the same.

How Does Pico Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

Lasers are used for tattoo removal work by delivering short bursts of energy to the tattoo ink, which causes it to break down.

Following that, the ink from the tattoo will be gradually eliminated by your immune system.

Pico Laser versus Q-switched Laser For Tattoo Removal

Not all lasers are similar.

To get a satisfactory outcome while removing tattoos, the laser must produce high-powered beams that can be delivered in short pulses.

Laser beams with a significant amount of power are required to break the tattoo ink particles. Short pulses reduce the risk of skin injury to the areas surrounding the treatment area.

Because it can produce more incredible strength laser energy in shorter bursts, the Picosecond Laser is superior to the Q-switched laser when it comes to removing tattoo ink. The Q-switched laser requires more prolonged exposure times in picosecond versus nanosecond bursts.

Pico Plus versus other Pico Lasers

The Lutronic PicoPlus is a picosecond laser that belongs to the second generation and produces one of the highest peak powers (1.8GW) in an ultra-short pulse duration of 450 picoseconds.

Because of this, it is considered one of the ultra-short pulse pico lasers with the most incredible power. This ensures that outcomes are achieved more quickly and effectively while requiring fewer treatment sessions.

The consistent laser beam profile of the Lutronic PicoPlus is a result of Lutronic Corporation’s lengthy and successful history of manufacturing dependable pigment removal lasers such as the Spectra and the Pico 4+.

How much improvement can you expect after laser tattoo removal treatment?

Picosecond lasers can remove tattoos with an improvement of 80–90% after four or five treatment sessions.

The first few sessions produce the most noticeable results in terms of improvement. Some patients experience a fifty to seventy percent improvement after just one session.

This really depends on your body and skin type because some people recover quickly and some would take longer than usual. However, you do not have to worry as it would all lead to the same direction, improving your tattoo scar if there are any.

Will tattoo removal leave any scars?

Scarring and persistent hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation are possible, although unlikely.

If you have any of the following, you might be at a higher risk of experiencing these adverse effects:

  • Darker complexion
  • Vibrant tattoos
  • Massive tattoos

If you happen to develop a scar and want to remove it. There are a lot of scar removal treatments available at a dermatology clinic, so you have the option to choose what you type of treatment you want after you consult your doctor.

Final Thoughts

Removing a tattoo might not be as relaxing as spending the day at the beach, but there’s a chance it won’t hurt so much as getting the tattoo in the first place. If you are worried about pain, which is perfectly normal, you should always question your dermatologist about the available numbing methods.

Ricardo is a freelance writer specialized in politics. He is with from the beginning and helps it grow. Email: richardorland4[at]