Moisture Balances and Microwave Moisture Analyzers

Virtually all of the materials that surround us, including everything inside our bodies and even the food we eat, all contain moisture. Moisture is essential to everything, but only in the right circumstances and quantities. Every substance needs to have the right amount of moisture in order to keep its quality under control. Moisture is crucial to every substance because too much or too little moisture can drastically impact the properties of the material.

Moisture is so important that having slightly more or less will cause the substance to change weight, change the rate of thermal expansion, amalgamation, different range of microbial activity, and even conductivity to electrical energy.

For those reasons, we need to accurately measure the levels of moisture in a substance in order to ensure quality. This is where moisture balances and microwave moisture analyzers come in to play.

Moisture Balances (Analyzers)

Moisture balances, or analyzers, are devices that measure the moisture in materials and substances. These devices all come with their own set of strengths and weaknesses, depending on the specific characteristics of the substance you’re measuring. Substance samples can vaporize or decompose during heating, and this is one of the problem moisture balances are facing.  Because of this, some substances that are extremely temperamental are better for measuring using a Karl Fischer analyze, or moisture balancers with some extremely specific capacities.

This is not the problem for most ordinary materials, and they can be perfectly measured and analyzed with a moisture balances analyzer. Using a moisture balances analyzer offers you easier, controllable, and repeatable heating, measurement and analyzing or certain materials. Compared to Karl Fisher, using a simple moisture balances analyzer cost nothing and required far less equipment. This makes moisture balance analyzers the preferred analyzers that are more optimal and pragmatic, as well as suitable for most types of tests.

Apart from ordinary moisture analyzers, there are microwave moisture analyzers that are far better than their ancestors, and we are going to tell you about the best microwave moisture analyzers in the world.

Smart 6

The Smart 6 from CEM is the gold standard in moisture and solids analysis. The Smart 6 is the best technologically advanced moisture and solids analyzer in the world that uses a system that utilizes a combination of both microwave and infrared to analyze the moisture in virtually any material or substance. The Smart 6 uses this patented dual-frequency energy drying that provides the best and most rapid moisture and solids analysis available.

It is almost 40% faster, than compared to its previous unit the Smart 5 Turbo, and can analyze both dry and wet products in one system. It utilized AOAC approved methodology, and it is compact and lightweight, best for easy at line placements. This makes the Smart 6 one of the best Microwave Moisture Analyzers.

The Patented dual frequency drying will analyzer wet and dry samples with speeds never matched before in microwave moisture analyzers. It is a top of the line technology that uses a combination of infrared and microwave energy as a source and is controlled by an intelligent processing system. The dual frequency technology prevents burning and incomplete drying, which is very common in single frequency moisture analyzers. It is accurate, fast, repeatable and it offers the best results for virtually any sample type and any test.