How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy After Hours on the Computer?

It is a fact that we spend most of our days glued to the screen. Students use laptops to write papers, most adults use them to finish a work-related task, and then, at the end of the day, they come home and put on a movie or a show to watch and relax. According to studies, an average person spends hundreds of hours in front of their device a year.

Even though this has become a normal occurrence, it can still cause some problems. You have probably noticed that after a while, you have blurred vision, get a headache, or have trouble sleeping. There is a common source of these issues, and it is called computer vision syndrome. So, what can you do this prevent it?

Adjust the light

As a general rule, your computer shouldn’t be near a window or any other source of light. If you face a window while working on your device, the difference between the brightness of the sun and your screen can be harmful to your eyes. Due to this reason, you should put on curtains or blinds that will enable you to manage the light. Florescent office lights can also cause this problem, so if possible, you should turn them off and instead use LED lamps.

Eliminate the glare

Similarly, the reflection on the screen and light bouncing off walls and finished surfaces can also put a strain on your eyes. This is something that can be eliminated easily by adjusting the light in the room. Make sure that the overall lighting in your office is half as bright as it normally is. This is why we talked about some tips in the previous paragraph. In addition, you should also think about upgrading your screen. A simple anti-glare coating on it can go a long way.

Get computer glasses

If you already wear glasses, a computer vision syndrome can cause even more problems, and what’s more, the slightest change in lighting can have a great effect on your eyes. Due to this, you should consider getting so-called computer glasses.

Basically, these include specific lenses that have blue light protection. These are designed to reflect the blue light the screen emits, and therefore, protect the well-being of your eyes and improve vision. If you aren’t sure what blue light is and why it is so harmful, check out this page to learn more about it.

Play with the screen brightness

We have already explained how light can put a strain on your eyes, and there is another thing you can do to prevent it. Firstly, you should change the brightness of the screen and make sure that it is similar to your surroundings. Look at the wall above your computer, and then look at the white screen background. If it causes you to flinch, it is too bright.

In addition, if you spend a lot of time reading long documents, you should also alter the text size and contrast. The size of the letters is something that completely depends on you, so make sure to try out different ones until you find the right font. What’s more, you shouldn’t forget about the contrast, and generally speaking, black text on a white background is usually the most comfortable choice.

Rearrange your desk

Before you start working, you should make sure that your laptop is positioned correctly. Generally speaking, the distance between the screen and you should be between 20 and 28 inches. Also, the screen should be just below your eye level. This way, you will be able to sit straight without having to hunch your back and move your neck.

If you have to look both at your computer and a printed page on your desk, you should get an adjustable document holder and place it right next to the screen. This way, you won’t have to look up and down constantly. You can also use a desk lamp, just make sure that it doesn’t glow right into the screen (to avoid the glare) or into your eyes.

Don’t forget to blink

We know that this tip sounds odd, but according to research, people don’t blink as frequently as necessary when focused on their device. It is why their eyes dry up and become irritated. If you have noticed that this problem occurs often, you should visit your doctor and ask them to prescribe you artificial tears, which will rejuvenate your vision. You should under no circumstances use these on your own, without consulting a professional. To prevent this from happening, you should do a quick exercise. You should close your eyes slowly 10 times, every 20 minutes. This way, you will rewet your eyes naturally and eliminate the possibility of the issue ever affecting you.

Take breaks

Most people choose to take one 45-minute long break during their workday. It has become a natural occurrence, and no one even questions it, but the truth is that you should take frequent short breaks if you want to protect your health.

We are not talking solely about your eyes anymore, but instead about your back, neck, and shoulders, which are the most affected areas of your body when it comes to sitting for a long time. To prevent any of these issues, you should take frequent 10-minute breaks. Make sure to stand up and move around. You can talk a quick walk and get a cup of coffee, or simply pace around your office. This exercise will eliminate the fatigue and tension in your body, and hence, you will feel better and be more productive.


All in all, these are some quick tips you can simply implement during office hours that can greatly help you. Furthermore, if you have already tried all of these out and you still face the above-mentioned issues, you should consider getting blue light lenses. Even if you don’t have a prescription, these can help you relieve the strain in your eyes. If you want to explore the best combination of functionality and style, visit Muunel. On this page you can find various glasses for both women and men and some useful information about each.

Peter is a freelance writer with more than eight years of experience covering topics in politics. He was one of the guys that were here when the started.