You Will Be Obsessed with This Upcoming History Channel Show If You’re a Fan Of ‘The Curse of Oak Island’

The Curse of Oak Island has entertained millions of people since it started broadcasting on History Channel in 2014. It’s a story about Lagina brothers and their will to find treasure in the Oak Island. The same executive producer is now publishing a similar treasure series, hoping it will become as successful as their previous one.

‘The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch’

The producer was probably thinking about all the Oak Island fans while writing this new History Channel series. New shows’ name is ’The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch’. This shows’ focus will be on a mysterious 512-acre property Uinta Basin, located in Utah’s remote. The ranch will be explored by a team of experts and scientists, hoping to solve about 200 years of mysteries, including animal mutilations, paranormal activity, and UFOs. This part of the remote is known as the home of “The Skinwalker,” shape-shifting creature discovered by the Native Americans.

The area is better known as ‘UFO Alley’

Since the 1950s, this area has been famous as “UFO Alley”, according to the History Channel. Lots of strange things have been reported in Skinwalker Ranch, which leads to many investigations, some secretly funded by the government of the U.S.

Robert Bigelow, UFO fan, bought this property in 1996. He planned on doing his own research of the ranch along with National Institute for Discovery Science. Suddenly, he sold this ranch to an anonymous owner three years ago. He gave permission for filming to the TV crew, making people able to have a closer look at this strange piece of land.

What’s happened at the mysterious Skinwalker Ranch?

This ranch has interested UFO and paranormal investigators for decades. Salt Lake City’s Deseret News story explained strange things that Sherman brothers came in touch within Sherman Ranch, back in 1996. It was published they had seen “small boxlike craft” and a “huge ship the size of several football fields.” Terry and Gwen also discovered mysterious circles in the grass, heard voices of the beings who spoke an unfamiliar language. Later they found some of their animals dead or mutilated. They were not the only ones who reported strange activities at this ranch. Members of the tribe of Ute told their own stories of mysterious occurrences back in the 1970s.

Bigelow was so drawn to this property after hearing different stories about this ranch, so he offered Shermans to buy the property. He hired a team of experts to investigate Skinwalker Ranch and see what was really going on. Although he stopped exploring the area after a couple of years, many people are still fascinated by it. Maybe the History Channel’s team will discover the real truth about this strange place once and for all.

There is no information about this series premiere date given by the History Channel. Keep an eye out for more details.