10 Tips for Writing Better University Assignments

March 20, 2021

Being at the university level, many students will have to start writing essays or articles for their classes. And if you’re not sure where to start, then this article is perfect for you. This blog post will give you 10 foolproof tips that are guaranteed to get the best marks possible on your assignments.

Tip 1: Write an engaging introduction


According to mydissertations.com, the introduction should not just “introduce” the topic; it should also capture the reader’s interest. The first sentence of your essay is your one golden opportunity to hook the reader and make them want to read the rest of your paper! Use strong language and interesting examples.

Tip 2: Presentation is key

Presentation can include both visuals (graphs, charts) as well as good formatting and style. It is a good idea to create an outline for your essay first and then develop each header section in more detail. It will help you define what you will write about and make it easier to structure your arguments.

Tip 3: Be clear and concise

Demonstrating that you know how to use language well (with strong verbs, varied sentence structure, word choices with emotional impact) is a big part of writing well. The words you choose and how you connect them with each other will greatly impact the image that your reader has of your ability. It is imperative when it comes to getting a job or gaining admission to graduate school.

Tip 4: Consider your audience


You should always think about who you are writing for. It is especially important when it comes to academic essays. Your choices of topic, language, length, and style will all be influenced by who you are writing for. For example, if you are writing for an international audience, it will help avoid American vernacular and write more clearly.

Tip 5: Do your research

If you wish to write a good essay, the best place to start is with great information. The best resource for this is the academic databases available through your library. They provide access to a huge amount of information that can be used and cited in your essays.

Tip 6: Be clear about your argument

Your essay should have one clear argument, supported by key facts and clear examples. It should have a strong thesis statement at the beginning, which clearly defines what the reader will expect to find in the essay (like a roadmap). Your essay should also have a clear structure: introduction says what you’re going to write about; Body paragraphs say what you are going to write about; Conclusion says what you’ve written.

Tip 7: Include a conclusion

The conclusion is that part of your essay where you sum up your argument and respond to any points of contention. It should be roughly 3-4 paragraphs, and the final paragraph should contain the reader in some way.

Tip 8: Show your original thinking

A university’s purpose is to learn how to think, not to learn facts and information. Your writing should demonstrate that you know how to take a subject, break it down into key points, and analyze them critically. This process should cover all the key points (so your good analysis should be well-researched), but it should also show some original ideas about the topic.

Tip 9: Be consistent

Consistency is a key element of good writing. The way you present your arguments, the language you use, and your essay structure should all be consistent throughout. It is especially important for university essays because they are often read by multiple people looking for any reason to reject them (and if you vary greatly from one paragraph to another, or even within paragraphs, this will look bad!).

Tip 10: Proofread carefully


Spell-check and grammar-check are great, but they will not catch everything. For the proofreading process, you will need to read your essay carefully and several times, focusing on the big things: headings, punctuation, spelling of words you use only once or twice. Now is also an excellent time to get someone else to read it!

University assignments can be tough. That is why we’ve put together this article with some tried and tested tips for creating better university assignments. Here are some more take away tips:

Know your audience- who is reading this assignment? It will guide you on the information you need to include in your assignment, what tone or style you should use, and what resources to use to cite sources.

If it is a large assignment, break it down into smaller tasks and work on each section separately. It will help you achieve your ultimate goal of completing the entire assignment without feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

When writing your assignment, try not to write too much information. There is a fine line between including relevant information and being concise.

Ensure that you format your assignment correctly- make sure that you write in paragraph format and don’t just list information up the page.

If you are struggling or have hit a brick wall when completing your assignment, try some research to find more information. Research is an invaluable tool when writing your assignments at university.

When referencing, don’t forget to title your references and use the correct format. It will help you not only when referring to them in your assignment but also when it comes time to hand in the assignment.

If you are reading your assignment back and it isn’t making sense to you, try editing it. Often editing your writing is the most important step in writing your assignment.


Ask for help if you are struggling or think that there may be something wrong with the way you are completing your assignment. You can ask friends, teachers, tutors, or family members for help.

Ensure that you include examples in your assignments, as this will help you understand and demonstrate what you are trying to say.

When you have completed your assignment and are reading it back, ask yourself, “does this make sense to others?” If it doesn’t seem to make sense, try rereading it or doing a fresh rewrite.

Good luck with your assignments!

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