There are a lot of solicitors who specialize in family law. How you choose the best for you will depend on a number of factors, the most important being your particular situation. But there are some factors that can’t be overlooked when choosing family law solicitors. These factors include their level of experience and what aspect of family law they specialize in.
With all that in mind, it can be difficult to choose the best family law solicitor for you. The following are just some questions you can ask to help you decide on the right solicitor for your situation.
When Did They Qualify?
It is possible for a recent graduate to do a better job than someone who has been practicing for over 30 years. Generally, experience should always be the main factor, but you should always ensure that the solicitor you choose has experience dealing with cases like yours.
Who will do the Work?
When choosing a solicitor you should also find out if they will be working on your case themselves or if they will delegate to someone else. The best way to find out is to ask who your main contact will be. You may have the best solicitor in the business, but will you be able to get a hold of them?
When did they specialize in Family Law?
This one is tied into experience but family law is not the same as other forms of litigation. So, as much you want your solicitor to be experienced, you may also want them to have several years of experience in family law.
Are they a Member of Resolution?
Resolution’s code of practice ensures that all solicitors who are members conduct themselves within the highest standards of professionalism and morality. You can check if the solicitor you are considering is a member on Resolution’s website.
Are they accredited?
You may also want to find out if the solicitor is accredited. If they are, by who and when did they gain their accreditation? Accreditation is a sign of skill and knowledge in their line of work. This and experience are probably two of the most important aspects to consider when choosing a solicitor.
Are they Collaborative?
This refers to an out of court process for resolving certain issues especially pertaining to divorce. A collaborative lawyer demonstrates openness and commitment to progressive practice.
Are they a Mediator?
While mediation is a very different process from legal representation, any solicitor-mediator will show you that they believe they are a better mediator and solicitor by simply practicing both processes. They are therefore likely to be better placed to advise you if your case is suitable for mediation and recommend the best processes to apply.
Are they respected nationally and locally?
You may also want to check if your solicitor has national and local respect. This can easily be determined by the national and local committees that they ascribe to or that they are a member of. These societies like the Law Society, Resolution and the Family Law Committee promote the best practices and law reform.
Do they Offer the Cheapest Quotes?
Beware of certain law firms that will quote the lowest price just to get clients and then adjust the price upwards once you have signed with them. When comparing prices, it is much more practical to look at the solicitor’s hourly rate.