Things You Should Know Before Playing Overwatch

March 4, 2019

After a long time in the beta phase, Overwatch did finally hit retail. Those who have been following the game as it evolved over the last year must have noticed that there have been new additional heroes, new maps and even new modes of play. This can be quite confusing for those who have taken a break from the game for a while; it is like you never tried it in the first place. Regardless of where you stand as far as the level of game exposure is concerned, the fact is that the data surrounding Overwatch is quite extensive. Did you know that Overwatch had 25 live heroes at the time of its publication? The following tips will help you be a better player;

Allow flexibility in your game and master characters by their class

You will notice the action of Soldier 76, Reinhardt, Bastion and Lucio within the first few minutes of playing Overwatch. Master their individual play styles because they represent the four categories of superheroes in the game. Why is this important? You are playing in a multiplayer arena and you can never be sure which role you need to step in next.

Enjoy the takedowns but focus on the objective

Ideally, the interest of your team should always be to escort a payload or seize the next best opportunity to do it. Takedowns will happen because you need to get obstacles out of the way but not as the main objective of your mission. Wipe out the opposition but remain rooted in standing on a point; Overwatch boosting can help you with this!

Fight as part of a greater team

You will be inclined to take on enemy forces by yourself because your allies are doing the same thing. Big mistake! In the same way, you must gang up against the opponents, they too are ganging up on you. As it is a team game, you achieve more if your efforts are combined. The only exception to this rule is when you are aiming to earn overtime. This will happen if you manage to touch the payload of the opponent or contest capture for self-preservation.

Keep moving

There are snipers in Overwatch and the longer you stay in one position, the easier it will be for them to plan and execute the perfect shot. It is not a consolation that you are standing or hiding behind a wall because some characters have the ability to see through obstacles.

It is always better to be informed before a task than to learn from your own mistakes. The above points will prepare you for combat in a way that ensures that you last longer in the game. The more time you have before being eliminated, the more points you earn.

Peter is a freelance writer with more than eight years of experience covering topics in politics. He was one of the guys that were here when the started.

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