When we start working online and starting our own business, it is very common for us to find terms that we don’t understand well. So, precisely about one of these terms that I want to say, the concept of “avatar”. This term is very important in digital marketing and many experts advise you not to start your business without defining your avatar.
There are several reasons why you should get to know your audience. For example, to choose channels that are more efficient, to create more appropriate content and therefore don’t waste your time and money.
For example, say you want to sell a Spanish course. Your audience might include people who want to travel to Spanish-speaking countries; for people who want to complete their curriculum by adding new languages; or for students who will take entrance examinations where this language is charged.
As you can see, even though the courses offered are the same, the way you offer this course will be different. You must create content suitable for these 3 profiles. If not, the opportunity to not sell to anyone is huge!
What is an avatar?
Avatars or personas, as they are called, are a kind of personification of your target audience. This is a fictional character that will be created by you to help you make your marketing strategy more effective.
Still using the examples above, when we think of the target audience, we can define the following: men and women, between 17 and 22 years old, who are still dependent on their parents and who aim to study Spanish to pass the entrance examination.
The relationship between avatar and brand
Avatars are, for the fact, that a brand has on social networks, it must be professional and easy to remember. Social networks have a great influence on the lives of people, business and current marketing, so much so you have to take care of every detail like the profile name, the content to be published and even the profile picture.
Each account of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social platforms must follow the same a unique concept that is a true reflection of the brand since this will be the image that is forged in the consumer.
A poorly chosen profile picture can do a lot of damage to the social presence of a business. According an infographic of LinkingR there are different “degrees of damage” than an avatar. Bad care can result in the digital branding of a person or product.
Use the default photo on Twitter or Facebook and you’ll show as a lazy person or as an account that cannot be trusted. The maximum damage occurs when you use images for people over 18 or who are excessively offensive
Why should I have a good profile picture?
Profile images or avatars are important because they are the first face of the brands that the users will find when entering the Timelines of their social networks and is the icon with which you will identify the product or person.
We point out that the main reason for having a good profile picture is credibility. A well thought out avatar shows that the account is professional, reliable and credible and that will not fill your followers with spam. For its part, we recommend having a memorable and recognizable avatar for users, especially when they access the network from their mobile devices, they can quickly locate the account.
In this way, the followers and potential customers will remember your face and relate it to the content you generate. The quality of the profile picture must show that your brand took the time to think about how to be “presentable” to the public.
Give the right face to the product. The consumers always appreciate the things that have been carefully planned. Remember that you have to make your fans and followers know to feel comfortable with you so your avatar should look as professional as possible. There are many online design services that can help you create a good icon.
We exemplify the case of our company as a good avatar change. Although the first avatar was not bad, the second is clearer and more professional, so much so that the followers of the page increased 220% since the change of the profile image.
How to get an avatar that suits your business?
It is very easy! Today you can find various avatar makers with just a few clicks. One of the services we recommend is placeit.net. With this service, you can get a variety of avatars that fit your company profiles and at affordable prices.
How do you make your avatar?
Making an Avatar, however, should not be done randomly. You should not try to “guess” an avatar, but build it through the research I will break down below. There are two types of searches, indirect search, and direct search. The first of these can be done before you even start your digital business.
Indirect research is done by watching channels such as social networks and even their competitors’ blogs. Direct research, in turn, must be done after your business is up and running. You can, for example, develop market research, research with your readers, prospects, and customers.
And through the data collected from this survey, you will consistently and precisely build your avatar. When you set an avatar and create your content with that avatar in mind, your entire marketing strategy works much better. Because you will be offering the right content the right way to the right person.
In summary, for this particular case, when writing marketing content for this avatar, you should focus on points, such as the dream of passing a college entrance exam. Or highlight the importance of learning Spanish to win the jobs in South American countries maybe.
In conclusion, you learn more about concepts that are very important in digital marketing. Plus, you understand why making your avatar so important. And even better, you learn how to do it! Now you are much better prepared to start making money on the internet.