
The Importance Of Oak Partners Letter To Theresa May

December 1, 2018

The world we are living in is so diverse, yet so complicated. For the past few decades, numerous changes and revolutions in the political system took place with a lot of countries switching from communism to capitalism, and organizations such as the UN, NATO and EU having a huge impact on the proclaimed sovereignty of countries all over the world. The main goal of this organizations was to keep the peace, yet it seems like the exact opposite is happening – big countries such as the USA, UK, France, Germany, Russia, and China are trying to make an economical and political impact in various regions. The free trade seems to be jeopardized, and the difference between first and third-world countries is now bigger than ever.

As most of you know, the UK unsatisfied with the monetary EU policies as well as the current state of the free trade decided to leave this organization, and that will finally happen in March 2019 (it is not an easy process, that is why it lasts for over two years). With this said, and the UK economies in need of huge reform, the Oakstone Partners group, decided to send an informative letter. Oakstone Partners is an organized group of people with political, economics, government, international trade, and law background they constantly engage in multiple projects concerning the state of the UK country. More about them you can see at the website

The Letter To Theresa May

The Oakstone Partners group consists of five main figures: Right Honourable Baroness Verma of Leicester – Chairwoman in London; Sandeep Chadha – Co-founder and Head Advisory; ArvindSreedhar – Co-founder and Head of Capital Market; Pedro Rebelo De Sousa – Chairman in Lisbon; William Smithson – General Counsel in Lisbon. Sandeep Chadha, the co-founder, was the one signing the letter as a representative of the group.

Their letter to the Prime Minister Theresa May begins with a sentence about the previously organized conclave, at the Dorchester Hotel, on which multiple politicians and business leaders were invited. The goal of the meeting was to discuss the so-called new rules of the UK’s upcoming economy – a thing that concerns everyone. Sandeep then goes and lists a number of people that were invited including Baroness Sandip Verma; few members of the House of Lords (Lord Howard Flight; Lord Robert Smith – the Chair of British Business Bank; Lord JiteshGadhia); Mr. Phillip Bouverat – the Director of JCB; Mr. Andy Baldwin – EMEIA Area Managing Partner; etc. This group of panelists, businessman, and spokesman agreed that the global trade is under a great threat and that something should be done about that.

Then again, Sandeep suggests that he has no concern over if UK will continue calling for better free trade at the G20, but simply wants to discuss the best way to implement it. Along with that, they expressed the great concern over the happenings in Saudi Arabia (where basic human rights are constantly in danger), the ongoing blockade of Qatar, as well as the whole condition in the Middle East with the refugees still coming to Europe in waves of thousands. The thing is, the UK public, in general, is concerned as it has historically good relations with Qatar and Qatar does invest a lot in the UK, so this situation is not suitable at all. Thus, that is why Sandeep calls for a better reaction of the UK politicians about the ongoing tensions in the Middle East, and he asks for a diplomatic note to be sent to Saudi Arabia with the goal of swiftly ending the blockade. Also, the war in Yemen is a huge threat, as well as UK businessman, do have a lot of shares in that country as well. By looking at and seeing the group’s ongoing projects, we can conclude how important it is for this Middle East problem to be solved.

Sandeep, and the Oakstone Partners, clearly want that the situation at the Middle East settles as soon as possible, as it suits both the UK businessman and the UK public in general.


At the Sandeep Chadha sincerely thanks the Prime Minister, with the hope of a swift reaction on her side. It is yet to be seen how will the UK act concerning this problem, and what will be the results of the upcoming G20 that is surely going to be the most important international summit in years.

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