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Parker Schnabel Gold Rush Star – Shocking facts

December 25, 2018

One of the most popular cast members of Gold Rush, Parker Schnabel is only 23 years old, but has been running his late grandfather’s mining business for seven years already. He told us how he deals with the pressure of running a company and being on TV and discovered some interesting facts about himself. If you want to know more, keep reading.

Dreams Becoming A Reality

The Big Nugget mine was part of Schnabel’s family for decades. Parker’s grandfather used to run the mine, and ever since Parker was a little kid, mining was a huge part of his life. He dreamed of becoming a miner, and instead of studying, at the age of 16, Parker decided to use his college savings to start his own business. He was determined to make a living out of a mining job.

Mining was available to Parker, since he does come from a mining family, which helped him become an expert in the business at a very young age. One time, he even shared an impressive story about a guarter-ounce nugget, which cost about $400 to $500, with his fans.


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Rich At A Young Age

Parker owns a true dedication to mining business. His skills and instincts regarding reading the land, and mining strategies, made him earn pretty amount of money. His net worth is estimated in millions, and next to the mining job, his reality show contributed to his earnings.

No Time To Socialize

This all have bad sides too. Parker’s social life expiates because of his busy schedules. He loves his work and is very dedicated to it.

Parker explained why his old friends from high school and him don’t keep in touch: „All the guys I used to hang out with, they’re moved on, and I’ve moved on and don’t really have time to keep up.“

Won’t Slow Down

In order to have great footage, camera crews follow mines for five months. Next to that not being easy, the crew members added Parker to it, as him being the hardest to work with, believing it has something to do with his age and maturity.

Making A Bet

Parker likes to motivate his crew by raising bets. For example, he once bet rival miner Todd Hoffman 100 ounces of gold that his team would outperform Todd’s during the summer, while he told his team that the goal was to collect 5,000 ounces of gold during the season. He made him team worry and put a stress on them, but it was worth it.

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Parker was very close to his grandfather John. He was the reason Parker fell in love with the mining business. At the age of 96, John died, but right before he did, he told Parker: „I do want you to have a wonderful feeling for someone who becomes a part of your life. That’s all that’s important.“

In Search Of Love

While Parker almost has no social life, he does have a girlfriend named Ashley Youle. The couple met during a trip to Australia. Parker says Ashley likes helping him with many things, from driving trucks to cleaning gold throughout the summer.


Gene was Parker’s top guy, but a couple years ago Gene left the team. Parker and Gene were close, considering that they often worked ten plus hours together. Parker holds nothing against Gene and they see each other a couple of times per year.

„I learned a hell of a lot from Gene, and I’ll always owe him for that. Gene was a very good guy and a very good teacher“, Parker says.


As we are told, Parker’s security process includes a big safe and a big shotgun. Since gold is often stored in glass jars, we assume with security like that, noone has intentions of stealing them.

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Business Presents

When it is his birthday, Parker doesn’t ask for an Xbox One, clothes or money from his parents. Instead, focused on work as he always is, he asks for a new equipment. Since his father runs a construction company, that comes as an easy gift.

Parker’s Trail

A special show called Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail was Parker’s dedication to his late grandfather John. The Klondike Gold Rush trail, infamous for being trail along which many pioneers died during the late 19th century, was a trail Parker and some miners went along during that show.

Mental Stress

The hardest thing about Parker’s Trail isn’t the physical demands, but the mental stress of being around the same people for 18 hours per day. Parker found that out the hard way. He said: „It’s easy to forget about some hunger or the cold because I didn’t lose any toes or fingers, but the one that sticks out is the psychological warfare.“

Karla Ann

She spends tons of time out in the woods, hunting and fishing and all that kind of stuff.“ That is probably why Parker wanted her on the show. She is very good with first aid and wilderness in general.


Parker’s favorite artists include D.R.A.M., Johnny Cash, Behind Cash, Willie Nelson. He enjoys rap music, loves fast cars and boats.


„My advice is that you need to start small. Start off with a gold pan and a tiny sluce box“, was the advice Parker wanted to give to most of the people with new careers. There is no easy and fast way to the top, you have to slowly work you way up.

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Parker admitted that the most challenging thing in mining business is safety. Miners are forced to make all of their money in just four months, because of a seasonal pursuit. That means working pretty long hours, being in a great rush and being in need of following guidelines to avoid accidents.

Net Worth

Parker’s net worth is estimated up to $13 million, as Maxim reported. He became a millionaire at a very young age thanks to his determination and hard work.


Parker is still young to be starting a family, but he does take care of a young being he considers to be his son, and that is his dog named Dozer. Many jokes were made about him referring to his dog as his son, like when one fan asked if Parker was about to become a grandfather since his dog had activities that lead to puppies.

A Famous Fan

Richard Madden, famous for his role of Robb Stark on Games of Thrones said he likes to watch Gold Rush. He explained: „He’s the young guy going out and doing it by himself, and that’s what I can relate most to.“


Since mining camps are pretty much separated from the rest of civilization, there aren’t many options for an entertainment. Most of the conversation usually revolves around which of the workers is supposedly hogging all of the limited bandwidth from the team’s one satellite Internet dish.


Many people consider Parker to be Adam Driver lookalike. Adam Driver is an actor famous for his role of Kylo Ren in the recent Star Wars films.

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Minor Controversy

Parker’s girlfriend Ashley has a tourist visa from Australia. As it was previously said, she enjoys helping Parker with some chores. But with her tourist visa, she wasn’t really supposed to work, and that bothered some people in the Yukon area.

Show Earnings

Parker is successful miner, but he earns from his show too. It has been said that he earns $25,000 per episode. Since his team gets paid by number of appearances, it is believed that workers act out just to get more time on the show in order to earn more money.


Parker’s rival Todd seems to dislike Parker. Todd used to say that Parker’s team doesn’t have enough heart to find the gold, but it seems that Parker proved Todd wrong many times.

On the other hand, Parker explains how he isn’t very fond of his rival’s style: „The one thing I saw from Todd early on is that I never want to run the colt-style management like he does.“

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