Reasons why you should invest in Cryptocurrency

Before taking a look at the reasons you should invest in cryptocurrency, lets first have a brief reminder of what they actually are. Today, cryptocurrencies are a worldwide phenomenon known to most people. While some people might not understand it to the full extent, most banks, companies, governments, and people know its importance.

A cryptocurrency is a digital asset that is designed to work as a way of exchange that uses cryptography in order to make secure transactions, control the creation of additional units, as well as verify the transfer of your asset. They use a decentralized control, as opposed to centralized digital currencies and central banking systems.

In 2017, Bitcoin burst into the scene and started growing in price at a very fast rate. Trading this currency has become a worldwide trend and the number of people deciding to invest in them has exceeded 500 million. However, you might ask yourself, should I invest in this currency? Here is a list of five reasons for considering:
  1. Your money will always stay yours – the important thing about the success of Bitcoin is the technological control it has. Thanks to innovation like these, electronic transfers can be made in a faster and safer way. Blockchain will encrypt the data, which will prevent access to if from all internal sources at every stage of the processing. The parts that contain the data are stored in a decentralized way, which basically means that the information cannot be deleted or copied. Think about what happens if your money is stored in a bank. That bank could claim bankruptcy and you will lose all your money. However, if you invest in cryptocurrencies, your money is yours forever.


2. No government involved – Blockchain offers a new approach of asset handling, from now on, there will be no          “middlemen”, such as governments or banks. They have no control over the circulation of the digital assets  and           there is no way they can access the data related to the transactions done with Bitcoin. One of the main reasons             to invest in these currencies is probably the integrity and safety of virtual money.
  1. Blockchain has an important role – although it does allow anonymous transactions, Bitcoin is built on the concept of being transparent. What that means is that the details of the transactions are all stored in the Blockchain and it can be viewed when needed. This particular feature can be valuable when public transactions are done.


  1. Investment is simple as never before – today, every person that has Internet access can invest in Bitcoin. Here is what you will need, a plastic card to purchase cryptocurrencies online, you will need to create a cryptocurrency wallet, find a place to invest in cryptocurrency, create a purchase offer or find requests that are ready to answer, and as soon as you make a purchase and pay for the virtual money, the coins will be transferred into your wallet.


  1. The forecasts are promising – as a real or potential investor, you should focus on long-term profitability. If you analyze every shift in the cryptocurrencies, it will probably drive you crazy. Hence, you could panic and sell the money for a lower price that you actually purchased it for, resulting in a major loss. So, why should you invest in it? Cryptocurrency fluctuations are unavoidable. It happens all the time and that is why making short-term predictions is harder than making the long-term one. Bitcoin and other popular virtual currencies are likely to grow in the next 2-5 years. Hence, if you are looking for a long term investment with the chance of getting a serious profit, choose the long-term plan.

One of the factors which is important if you are even thinking about entering this market is to follow what’s going on. The market is ever-changing and following cryptocurrency news on a daily basis is crucial for you to make right decisions.

Peter is a freelance writer with more than eight years of experience covering topics in politics. He was one of the guys that were here when the started.