Although tracking work from home employees offers immense benefits, it may sometimes prove detrimental. Even with the best work from home monitoring software, overseeing remote workers may result in discomfort and work stress.
Before monitoring your employees, you must first inform them of your move to do so and offer them full details of how you will do so. Otherwise, your employees may perceive the work from home tracking as unjust surveillance.
Dive in for the top tips on how to track work from home employees.
Have Clearly Defined Productivity Standards
While some productivity goals are similar across your business, some may vary depending on the department concerned.
You may have ethics in place, like ensuring all emails get replied to within 24 hours or setting aside particular hours for video conferencing.
Although some may perceive productivity documentation as common sense, such practices can help you identify the areas that need attention.
Even employees who are okay with monitoring may have reservations about the safety of their private information.
Using work from home productivity tools that only track employees during working hours provide emotional relief. Work from home flexibility allows your employees to check their personal messages whenever necessary.
Observe Ethical Monitoring Procedures

To avoid employee displeasure and potential turnover, you should inform your employees about the tracking software while ensuring transparency throughout. Major concerns to address include;
- What is the aim of tracking?
- Which monitoring software do you want to use?
- How you will handle the collected information
- What the reports from the tracking implicate
It’s best to utilize an open forum to tend to employee questions and offer feedback about the remote monitoring process. Keeping a balance between employee metric acquisition and ethical application of the tracking software is essential.
Place Limits on What’s Tracked

The best monitoring solutions come with many features like cameras, monitoring hours, audio, and more. Despite being able to collect lots of information, you shouldn’t grab everything. Stick to capturing data that benefits your company.
Respect your team’s privacy by accruing information only during the periods they should work. Your monitoring software should not infringe on worker secrecy to maximize your productivity while maintaining your employees’ trust.
The software enables the real-time tracking of remote workers. You get access to information on busy times, screen activity, idle time, and more.
Such insights can then help you determine worker productivity for invoicing purposes. Some work from home tracking software goes as far as automatically calculating productivity to ease things for you.
Hackers are increasingly targeting remote workers, something that may see your business plummet. With the importance of cybersecurity, selecting the best software for work from home monitoring can help you quickly detect information breaches and keep your business safe.
Regularly Communicate With Your Remote Workforce

There is no defined frequency of linking up with your remote employees. Besides, the most successful one-on-one calls don’t only focus on tracking productivity. You can use the opportunity to keep your team involved and energized to push through the workload.
Regularly scheduled virtual meetings, be it daily or even once every fortnight, ensure your team moves in unison despite the locational differences.
Build Your Workforce With Remote Working Tips

Team members who understand the perks of working from home can share advice with their colleagues. You can collaborate with your team to identify which work from home tracking software is the most appropriate and what requirements should a remote office fulfill.
You can then organize the information into small videos, PDFs, or even informal text-and-reply sessions.
Some of the crucial tips you can share with your workforce include;
- Effective time management
- How to stay focused and organized
- Infusing a healthy lifestyle as they work
- Balancing their working and off-work hours
Select and Avail the Essential Working Tools
One of the pillars of effective management of remote employees is providing them with the tools they need to deliver work. To ease this, you and your team should gauge and determine what you require to make your work from home experience engaging and productive.
The best observing arrangements accompany numerous highlights like cameras, checking hours, sound, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Notwithstanding having the option to gather heaps of data, you shouldn’t snatch everything. Stick to catching information that benefits your organization.
Regard your group’s security by accumulating data just during the periods they should work. Your checking programming ought not encroach on specialist mystery to boost your efficiency while keeping up your representatives’ trust.
The product empowers the constant following of telecommuters. You gain admittance to data on active occasions, screen movement, inactive time, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Such bits of knowledge would then be able to assist you with deciding laborer usefulness for invoicing purposes. Some work from home following programming goes similar to consequently figuring usefulness to ease things for you.
Programmers are progressively focusing on telecommuters, something that may see your business plunge. With the significance of network safety, choosing the best programming for telecommute checking can assist you with distinguishing data breaks and guard your business.
Remote workers require the same things they typically use while working at the office. These necessities may include:
- Policy manuals
- Mail stationery and supplies
- Presentation supplies and templates
- Corporate credit cards
- Software programs, and more

Superb work-from-home tracking software can help your company to adopt a long-term remote team properly. Using excellent software to monitor work from home employees enables you to encourage your team to strive for improved productivity.
There are multiple reasons to monitor employees, but the trick is identifying how to do so successfully while still showing respect to them. As you monitor work-from-home employees, practicing these top tips ensures you work effectively with your employees’ welfare a top priority.