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Into The Badlands: There Will Not Be Season 4

April 17, 2019

It is official, the series Into The Badlands is canceled, and Season 3 is the final season. All drama and fighting we have expecting in the Season 4 will be seen in the Season 3. All important battles will end in the final episode of Season 3.

Season 3 only has four episodes so far, and the network said that they will be full of adventure, action, drama, and suitable ending.
After the nine-month season break, we read the announcement from the AMC about quitting the show, and that Season 4 will never happen.

If we closely look at the plot of the Season 3 Into The Badlands we can be assured that there will not be Season 4, and that show will come to an end.

At the description for the final episode are said to bring new alliances and major battle with the epic fight.

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The main concern of the fans that Season 3 will not answer all the questions from the series. We know that Season 3 is the longest among the seasons 1, 2 and 3, and has 16 episodes. Season 1 had only 6 episodes, and Season 2 has four more.

“Good news always comes with bad news. First the good: #IntoTheBadlands returns. The final episode`s premiere on @AMC_TV on March 24. The bad: After these 8 episodes air that will be the end of the show”, explained Daniel Wu on Instagram post.

Daniel Wu is a famous actor, who is playing the leading role of Sunny in the series Into The Badlands.

He also said that the bad news is worse than the good for all fans of the series, and thanked for all support though past three seasons. Daniel Wu said to all series fans that he gave the best martial arts action in the show.

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Nick Frost, who also played one of the leading role called Bajie, post on Instagram about Into The Badlands Season 4.
“No more #intothebadlands and I`m really sad about it,” Nick Frost added.

Nick Frost explained that he always be happy and proud to be part of the show, and he made a nunchuck tattoo inspired by series. That tattoo will always be a reminder for him and his pig riding. He is grateful to all crew member he met in the show.

Into The Badlands Season 3, the last episode will be aired on May 6, and Season 4 will be not happening after that.

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