Rick and Morty, the popular American, adult animated show, quit on the little screen in October 2017. This tremendous cartoon duo is off for more than two years, which is created by talented Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon. This cartoon was programming on block Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.
We watched three seasons until today, but we do not know when releasing the date for season 4 is. It might happen this summer, but we are not sure.
At the moment Adult Swim aired only 31 episodes but they took 70 episodes in total of Rick and Morty last year in May.
‘’Rick and Morty season 4 is happening. It is amazing. It is coming. No need to be upset that I also make other things. Also, no need to agree with the folk begging for S4. I take it as a compliment,’’ Justin Roiland, co-creator and executive producer of Rick and Morty wrote on his Instagram account.
We can say for sure that it will be season four, maybe in July, or later in the summer. We know for sure that season 4 is happening, but we do not know the plot for the season 4.
The whole season 4 is a big mystery because creators aired a few teasers and nothing more. We do know what to expect further in the show and how it continues.
Both creators, Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, just let fans sitting in the dark.
There is no official release date yet for Rick and Morty season 4, the first plan was to release new season on Christmas 2018 or April Fool`s Day 2019. Both dates are passed away, and we know that the production is still underway. When the production is underway that means we are at the end of the journey for releasing. The creators expect that will pass two months until the releasing date, and that will be late July or mid-August.
The rumors have it that the season 4 will have 14 episodes.