Games are addictive and almost every student in the world has experienced their pull. However, when the addiction becomes a danger and an enemy for your academic performance, this means that it is time for you to make some changes.
I’m not saying that you should eliminate gaming altogether. There are simply too many benefits of gaming to miss out on the opportunity, at least now when you have some time to do this. Games are known to boost the cognitive processes and even improve students’ behavior. But, the only way to reap the benefits without suffering the disadvantages – is to avoid the five mistakes below.
No Time Limitations
When you’re too much into computer games, you can easily get carried away. So many students find themselves playing games for hours just because they couldn’t find a way to stop. As a result, you’ll end up missing out on deadlines, not getting enough sleep, not to mention ruining your academic performance.
If you want to enjoy the many benefits of video games, you need to limit the time you spend on playing. Here are a couple of things that will help you with this:
- Decide on a set amount of time you can spend on gaming each day.
- Set a timer. Once it goes off, stop immediately.
- Ask someone to hold you accountable. If you can’t stop yourself from playing ‘just one more match’, ask others to remind you that you’re making a mistake.
Play without a Schedule
Having a good schedule is essential when you have much to do. As a student, you need a schedule that will tell you how much time you have for your hobbies. These hobbies, of course, include playing computer games.
Therefore, before you start playing games, learn how much time you can waste on this activity. Make a daily or weekly plan that allows you to tackle all of your assignments, delegate the things you can’t do, and be flexible about it.
Is interesting and addictive, this doesn’t necessarily make it good for you. This is the period when you have a lot of your plate, and while you can always hire someone , such as experts at WriteMyEssay.Online to help you meet that urgent deadline you missed out on because you played, even that can’t happen every day.
Game addiction is a serious thing, so before you start playing a game that you won’t be able to leave, make sure that it doesn’t take too much of your time to finish a match. This way, even when that timer goes off, you’ll be able to finish the current match soon and get back to your schoolwork.
That’s why you need to establish what games are good games for you. If the game requires a lot of time, that’s not a good game to start playing. Based on how much time you have to spend on playing, you should pick a game.
Studying with Distractions
In order to have some time to play games, you need to make sure that you finish your schoolwork first. Gaming comes with its benefits, but studying should still be your priority.
To finish your tasks first and have more time for gaming, you need to find the perfect study spot and time. Pick the time where you’re most productive to tackle your learning and writing activities. Get rid of distractions, set the right lighting and temperature – and focus. The more focused you are, the sooner you’ll get back to your game.
Not Using Technology for Help
To boost your productivity and use the time wisely, use technology. Computer games aren’t the only great thing that comes with technology – so are productivity tools, tricks, and apps.
When it comes to managing your time, you can use effective time management methods like the Pomodoro technique. For distractions, you can use an app that turns off social media. Scheduling tools come very handy when you’re trying to figure out where to place gaming and studying. And finally, reminders will keep you focused on your studies, help you remember your deadlines, and allow you to learn how much time you have for game playing.
Playing games can only be beneficial if you don’t do it too much. If the rest of your obligations and tasks suffer because of this, playing games becomes more disadvantageous than good. That’s why you must avoid making the mistakes above and try to change your routine.