How To Find the Best Entertainment This Winter

November 15, 2022

Once the clocks go back and the evenings start to get darker earlier, many of us struggle with a lack of sunlight. It sometimes feels that it would be a great option to hibernate until spring is here. However, that really is not an option for most human beings. We have to keep going. We must keep going to work to pay the bills, and most of us are looking for interesting ways to fill the long nights.

It can be all too easy just to slump down on the sofa, turn on the TV and watch whatever is playing on terrestrial TV. However, you have so many more options available, and plenty of cities have free activities you can join in too.

Moving Wallpaper

The fallback position for most of us after a hard day’s work is probably the TV. However, there is no need just to have moving wallpaper. Even without a subscription service, you can find plenty of exciting things to watch if you look at an online TV guide and plan your viewing. Channel 4 and iPlayer also have an enormous back catalogue of classic TV programs and up-to-date film releases. So whether you want to indulge in some fictional fantasy or get informed with the latest documentary, there is plenty of choice on these services.

Keeping You Company

If you are busy in the house, you might still want some company. You might be thinking about Christmas planning, looking online for gift ideas, or making Christmas cake and pudding in the kitchen. In moments like this, TV can be a distraction. However, this is where the radio comes into its own. Whether you enjoy music or a speech-based service, curated radio shows are always good company and help you feel less alone. If you are feeling adventurous, you might want to download an app like Radio Garden. Radio Garden allows the listener to explore thousands of live radio stations worldwide by simply spinning the onscreen globe. The choice is endless, and you can eavesdrop on a global scale.

Being Sociable

Human beings are sociable creatures, and we find pleasure in the company of others. A cosy pub or bar is a great place to spend a winter evening with friends. However, sometimes staying in with family and friends is a great thing to do too. Maybe you could be the host with the most and organise a fun night in at your house. Think about a selection of board games to play, cook up an easy one-pot supper and break open some great conversation around the table.

Or perhaps you want to organise a casino night at home. With a pack of cards and a set of dice, you play endless games from Blackjack to poker and Yahtzee. You could place wagers with matchsticks or for real money stakes. You could play with friends at an online casino if you’d like someone else to be the dealer. There is a massive range of games to play, including online video slots and live dealer table games. To find exactly what you are looking for, take a look at a list of best casino sites and make your choice from there.

What’s On Locally

At this time of year, there is usually a good choice of seasonal events happening. Most local papers and social media sites will have a comprehensive list of everything happening at a cultural level. For example, you should be able to find out if your local theatre is putting on a Christmas pantomime or carol concert to get you in the mood.

Many towns and cities have Christmas markets and late-night shopping events to enjoy. Sometimes it is nice just to go along, look, and get ideas. It doesn’t all have to be about spending money.

In bigger towns and city centres, you may find an ice rink has been set up. Or perhaps there is a funfair coming your way. It’s good to keep an eye out for news of these events, which are often covered on local radio too.

Nature Lovers

If you are a nature lover, you can still get out for autumnal and winter events outside, and there are often organised walks if you like to do things with other people. Maybe think about joining up with a local walking group. Many of these activities happen at the weekends as it is difficult to arrange them in daylight during weekdays. For example, naturalist Chris Packham is organising a People’s Walk for Wildlife in late November. The event focuses on the importance of wildlife in our lives and is a mixture of activism, exercise and a collective experience.

Keep on Learning

The winter months can be an excellent time for learning a new skill, picking up an alternative hobby, or expanding your mind. Have you thought about doing an evening class? If you have a local art school or college, many of them offer reasonably priced introductory lessons to all sorts of subjects. Pottery is always a popular craft to study, or maybe you fancy learning to knit or sew. You might want to think about learning a new language to get yourself ready for next year’s travels.

Your local library is a great place to find out about local courses and services. But, of course, you can also find all the information you need these days online. You might also choose to follow an online course or simply teach yourself by watching YouTube videos.

Curl up with a good book

It might be cold outside, but a great book can transport you to another time, place or even universe. Nothing is as absorbing as a great novel, and the choices are almost endless. Many of the classics can be accessed for free on online platforms. If you like the feel of turning an actual page, you can usually pick up a great read from a local charity shop. For lovers of a new book, your local bookstore will be happy to welcome you.

Remember, reading does not have to be a solitary experience either. You could join a local or online reading group to discuss your latest reads and find new ones. Again, your library or bookshop should be able to point you in the right direction

The Choice is Yours

You can find many entertaining options either as an individual or by joining a club or society. All you need to do is think about what interests you and do a little bit of exploration—time to be a little bit bold and try something new.

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