By mentioning the word inventor, you immediately think about one of the great minds, such as Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, etc. In each industry, there is someone who is turning the world around and the way they do things and the things they focus on are simply out of this earth.
They are keeping the world spinning and leading humankind forward. Often, these great minds are widely criticized by the public for one reason or another, but they never seem to care enough to stop working.
It takes some time to pass for the people to see who great minds and inventors are – Alexandra Bell, Tesla, Carnegie – there isn’t any doubt nowadays that what they did for humankind was good. Ask anyone and they will know their name and know for sure that they did good.
Even today, we are living among some inventors who are pushing and doing everything to help us move forward. Some of them are perceived as evil, often based on a distorted image that person has, false information and biased opinion. Some are widely loved, but also widely criticized and one of them is Elon Musk.
Is Musk the very greatest innovator in the 21st century or is he a fraud as many people label him?
He is definitely not a fraud and you can see why we think so!
Tesla Motors
One of the biggest companies Musk is running is Tesla Motors. He has been a fan of electric cars for as long as he can remember and he has turned Tesla into the largest electric car manufacturer in the world. Roughly about a decade ago, he was estimated to fail miserably. Everybody was saying that his mission would be impossible to put into action, but he did it anyway.
Nowadays, Tesla is one of the richest companies in the car industry and they are pioneering mass electric car production. Some other car manufactures did make electric vehicles before Tesla, but those were usually prototypes or models that came out in limited numbers.
According to Musk, who has recently talked to Joe Rogan at his Spotify podcast, he said that it was just a matter of time before the world moved to sustainable sources of energy and he pointed out that they are making it happen sooner rather than later. According to Musk, that’s the biggest value of Tesla.
Not only is Musk pulling the weight in the car industry, but he and his associate make some amazing vehicles. They are constantly introducing new autonomous tech features, the cars are quite fast and they drive amazingly. Plus, some models can dance! What more can you ask for.
We almost forgot to mention his gigafactories and the production of batteries, but let’s not get carried away to much here.
The SpaceX Program
As if leading one of the biggest car companies to glory and revolutionizing the car industry, isn’t enough, Musk also wants to send people to Mars!
This is a big one and we can expect the first people to land on Mars in just a couple of years, perhaps a decade. If we are to believe Musk’s words, 2025 is the year, but he has missed a few dates in the past, so we will not hold him for the word. Even if it happens before 2030, that would be a major breakthrough for humankind.
Already, there has been a massive breakthrough in this field, and Musk has designed reusable rockets, launched it and landed it back on site.
Not only can this cut financing costs, but it can make space travel much easier (space travel, as in going to Mars). Having that ability not to build a whole new rocket each time one lands to its destination is huge. Musk has recently launched his Tesla into orbit and the car’s still floating around in space!
One of the most criticized projects Musk is working on is Neuralink. It is a company that is designing brain-computer interface technology. If it sounds scary it is because it does sound a sci-fi movie-like. The shortest story possible behind Nerualink is that they plan to add chips to people’s brains!
Oh my GOD! We are getting there – we are becoming cyborgs, robots and soon, AI will turn against us and we are doomed. While we should definitely worry about AI and even Musk says so, this Neuralink chip is far from what you imagine.
The longer story behind it is that this chip would help people who cannot use their extremities, who are paraplegic or have some other disorder to become functional again. That is the first goal and it’s not years before we get there. There’s still an entire issue of how to produce the chip, open up the skull and place it at the right position without doing any other damage.
Still the aim is quite humbling – helping others regain some of their motoring functions! How cool would that be? At no point does Musk give the impression that he wants to use this for any other purpose.
Last but not least, Musk was selling a flamethrower. Well, it was Not A Flamethrower, actually. Either way, the Boring Company made a limited number of them and sold them all. Just because he can.
Is Musk a true Inventor?
With all we’ve said, we need to add a few more things. Musk isn’t the inventor we asked for, he is the inventor we needed. But he isn’t just that. He is a modern-age industrialist, a businessman and a great engineer. He is a man full of ideas and he wants to put most of those into the real world.
Being an inventor isn’t an easy thing to do and is ready to give a hand anyone who strives to be like Musk, or who has any idea but doesn’t know how to convert it to a product. Not everyone can do it all, like Elon can, but you don’t need to bother.