Dwayne Johnson Upsets Fans After Celebrating Having a Tank Named After Him

March 25, 2019

We all know how popular Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is, but the latest backlash he got will not do him any good. Some of his fans are really upset, and they really need to calm the hell down.
The Rock is a real action icon and that’s why the Blackhawk Squadron 1st Armored Division, which is based in Fort Bliss, decided to name one of their tanks after him. No one can argue why this was done so because he is a kind of a human tank himself. This completely makes sense!

However, what made fans extremely annoyed is the fact that he recognized this act as a special thing and even dedicated one little Instagram post to it. He posted a photo of the tank and captured it:
‘I’m sending a salute of respect & gratitude to the Blackhawk Squadron ?? 1st Armored Division for the honor of naming their tank (the most advanced in the world) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Heavy-duty, badass, se*y AF and built to take care of business ? — but most importantly, thank you all for your service. Grateful to the bone. #IronSoldiers #BlackhawkSquadron #1stArmouredDivision #FortBliss #TheDRJ #BloodSweatRespect’
Many of us would definitely consider this as a normal reaction, but not everyone thought that he should celebrate this act. So, plenty of The Rock’s fans weren’t down with the honor. Hence, Dwayne got plenty of backlashes. Here is some of the feedback from his fans:
“Having a death machine named after [you] seems cool until it’s used against beings that don’t truly deserve it.”

“I think they should name a few nukes after you and really get you excited. Maybe they will make a new gun modeled and named after you that can one day be used against innocents. Or maybe just the bullets. Gosh, so many death machines out there, you must be stoked.”

“Wow … getting your name on a killing machine.”

“Those poor people in some random oil-rich country ain’t gonna know what’s hit ’em.”

“You’re obviously not stupid to know what you are representing or what this machine would do and to who — unfollow!”

“How are you OK with people getting killed with your name?”
“Not sure having a destructive weapon named after you is such a great honor.”

“You were one of my favorite actors. So disappointed now seeing this. We keep making [these] machines to kill people and you are proud one of them has your name … wow.”

You must be thinking that these people need to calm the hell down. No one wants war and there is nothing wrong with naming a tank after the ex-WWE star and action icon. Nevertheless, The Rock hasn’t responded to the backlash and it’s probably for the best. Soon there will be a new controversy about someone else, so it’s better if he just lets it slide.

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