
Dwayne Johnson Posted a Photo from the New ‘Jumanji’ Sequel

March 14, 2019

We already knew that there will be a sequel to ‘Jumanji’ movie, and it will be in theatres this winter. Sony Pictures studio shared a first photo from the movie, on social media. We can see in the photo the returning cast, Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart, and Karen Gillan.

The previous movie ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’ was the highest-grossing movie from Sony Pictures’. It earned an astonishing $36 million in the opening week, in 2017. And at a worldwide level, it earned more than $962 million. It earned $557 million overseas and $404 million at domestic markets.

This studio is very successful, and it has some great franchises, like ‘Spider-Man’ and ‘Hotel Transylvania’. And because these movies are so successful, we can say that ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’ did more than a great job with the title of Sony Pictures’ highest-grossing movie.

The sequel should be released in December of this year, alongside with some other great movies, like ‘Cats’ musical, ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’, Sony’s own ‘Masters of the Universe’ reboot, ‘The Call of the Wild’, and many more.

For this sequel, it is expected for some new and interesting stars to join the cast, like Nick Jonas. And some members of the cast that are expected to return to the movie are Ser’Darius Blain, Alex Wolff, Maison Ismean, and Morgan Turner.

There are also rumors that Awkwafina, Danny DeVito, Danny Glover, and Dania Ramirez are also going to be in the movie, but Sony Pictures hasn’t confirmed that yet.

Dwayne Johnson also shared this photo on his social media, and he said in the caption that everyone’s favorite band is back. He announced that the new sequel will be so exciting and that everyone that watches it will have a lot of fun.

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