It seems that Trump is somehow managing to address any internal and foreign issue not only of the US but also pretty much of the entire world. In the last few days, he talked about Brexit, Boris Johnson as PM, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, EU, trade war and so many other things.
As we all know, Theresa May presented a Brexit plan, but soon after that, Mr. Trump stated how that would probably significantly impact the trade deal that the UK has with the US. It didn’t take long for POTUS to slightly alter the tune, or at least it seems like he is changing it, as he said how he and Mrs. May had “probably never developed a better relationship.” All that from his first UK visit as president.
On the other hand, according to May, Brexit gives the opportunity for both the US and the UK to create jobs for their people and she wishes for the two countries to sign a free trade deal. We could also hear Trump commenting plans for their long-time allies to exit the EU and on that occasion, he stated how it as “a much different deal than the people voted on,” and that he advised Mrs. May to do it completely differently.

The news regarding this interview came while Trump’s were at a dinner with the British Prime Minister. Just to clear few things up, Sarah Sanders, White House spokeswoman commented that the president “likes and respects Prime Minister May very much.” She continued by saying that he “never said anything bad about her.”
POTUS stated how he advised Mrs. May on Brexit but that she didn’t agree and took a different approach. Just like always, he used this opportunity to say how EU wasn’t fair in their trade with the US and that they already have enough problems with them, implying that he does want to make a good deal with Brits.
According to political analysts, it seems that Trump’s interview suggests that it will be hard for the UK to get good deals with the US and at the same time to comply with the rules that are imposed by the EU. The main goal of Mrs. May is to be good with all sides but is that truly possible.