Based on The Karate Kid film series created by Robert Mark Kamen, Cobra Kai is a comedy-drama series that was first released in May 2018. Given that the first season was such a success, it was soon announced that the series would be renewed for Season 2. To be more precise, it was already after the first episode of Season 1 premiered that they confirmed there would be a new batch of episodes. Now, the only questions are when can we expect to see it?
But first, let’s refresh our memory and remember what happened in Season 1. We meet Daniel as a happily married man and Johnny as a loser. In desperate need to make ends meet, Johnny re-opens the Cobra Kai dojo. However, as it turns out, he manages to attract many new karate students, including a protege named Miguel (XoloMaridueña), who starts dating Daniel’s daughter Samantha (Mary Mouser).
Thanks to the great cast, smart writing, as well as several new characters and surprises, the first season of the series became a huge success and it drew many Karate Kid fans. Now, we’re waiting for a new batch of episodes, which means we can expect even more surprises and who knows what else. Considering how Season 1 ended, the second one will probably pick up the rivalry between Daniel’s Miyagi-do dojo and Johnny’s resurgent Cobra Kai karate school.
As previously mentioned, it was already in May 2018 that Season 2 was confirmed, and they started working on it during summer already. We know that the new season will consist of 10 episodes, like the first one, but, unfortunately, we still don’t know for sure when exactly it will see the light of day. The shooting started in September 2018, so, naturally, it was impossible to finish it by the end of the year. It is sure that Cobra Kai Season 2 will be released in 2019, and our guess is that you can expect it by late spring or early summer this year. For more news, stay tuned, and you’ll be the first one to know when they announce the exact premiere date.