The best way to live is by constantly being in a Zen state, surrounded by harmony and with people who share the same mindset. Unfortunately, sometimes people are unable to control their anger, and this can be caused by certain psychological conditions, as well as the heat of the moment.
Whether someone has a clinical condition and is diagnosed with anger issues, or they simply find pleasure in hurting others, violence should never be tolerated in any way, especially when the victim is a female.
We’re not saying that males are not the victims of domestic violence, but in most cases it’s the other way around. This is never a pleasant sight to see, especially if you are someone that’s part of a family in which things like these are happening, so today we decided to give you the six best ways that you can prevent this from taking place.
Even if this is not a problem in your family, you should still report any activity of this kind because in most scenarios, the victim is afraid to do so. Let’s begin.
Recognize the signs
We’ve all watched movies or even experienced something like this in front of our eyes, so it’s pretty transparent already that the abuser won’t do this publically. However, the things they do behind the curtains leave marks that can be seen publically, so if you notice that your neighbor has bruises and scars all over their body, it means that something is not right.
Of course, not every person that has a mark on their body is a victim of domestic violence, but if they keep reoccurring all the time, and they don’t look even nearly like the usual sports injury, you might be onto something.
Visual signs are not the only indicator for domestic violence though, so often you’ll hear arguing, yelling and screaming as well, if you are living next to the home where something like this takes place.
Talk to the person
If you are suspecting that you know someone who’s a victim, you should talk to them first before attempting to do anything that affects their life. Only in a situation where you’re sure that they might be more seriously hurt, you should try taking things into your own hands, and telephoning the services or the police.
If the person neglects your offer for help, and they tell you to stay away from their life, it can be because of two reasons. They are either afraid of their partner finding out, or they really think that it’s not that much of a deal. You can find the most about the situation by talking to the person because by the way, they’ll tell you these things, you will be able to determine whether they’re scared or not.
In some situations, you’ll find that the person wants you to stay away just because they don’t want the other person to find out about it, but they might be giving you secret signals that you should report their situation to the authorities. This will be up to you to decide based on what you see.
Report it and get a lawyer
If you are someone who experienced abuse either now or in the past, and you want to establish justice once and for all, it’s the right time to report it to the authorities and get a lawyer. According to Randolph Hough, P.A If you really want to take things to the courtroom, either to get your finance for all the injuries that you’ve received or simply to put a certain abuser behind bars, you’ll find the most success with an attorney.
Please remember that hiring an attorney is your right, and you shouldn’t be afraid to do it, no matter what kind of threats you’ve received from the abuser about doing it. Every human being has the right to feel safe and at peace in their home.
Offer your help
Often, when people are involved in such unfortunate situations, they think that opening up to someone will only worsen the problems. They are afraid for others to find out, because they think that nobody else that they know went through something like this. When you offer your help, however, you will let them know that you have an understanding for their situation, and that they are not alone.
This might not sound like a very significant thing at first, but just knowing that someone’s with you helps out a ton.
Try communicating with the abuser
Now this is something that can scare a lot of people, but it shouldn’t. There are currently a lot of campaigns, measures and awareness-raising methods that allow people to gather up the courage they need to confront someone who puts others in danger.
You shouldn’t think that the other person will harm you as well, and that you have to be afraid of them just because they are abusive to their partner, simply because they are the ones that have a lot of things to be worried about. You are just being helpful, and they can end up behind bars if the authorities understand what’s been going on. Maybe their partner is afraid of reporting it to the police, but you shouldn’t be.
Let everybody know
If you have a person that you know who’s in danger, either a family member, a close relative or just a friendly neighbor from across the street, you can help them out a lot by letting everybody know that their partner is being physically abusive towards them.
When you do this, a lot of people will start looking at them differently, offering help whenever they can, and most of them will even report it to the police.
It’s more than enough for just one person to let the authorities know about what’s going on for things to get much better than they already are. Also, there are so many anonymous numbers that you can call to report something like this, so nobody will ever have to know that it was you who took the measures.